Shows all cases located in the Platform for the search criteria specified, and to which you have privileges. The table will show no values until you specify case values for a search.
Note: If the table is empty, either no cases are currently assigned to you, the search filters applied have no matching cases, or you do not have the correct privileges to view cases or to view any related assets. Contact your Platform administrator if you think there are problems with your privilege settings or asset access permissions. Note that you must have privileges to view all cases or those assigned to you to see cases in this page.
By default, the table shows the following information for cases:
o Priority
o Reason
o Title - description defined for the case
o Asset - serial number of the asset for this case
o Model - model number of the asset for this case
o Location - associated with the asset for this case
If you have customized the table to show different columns, you will see different values for the cases shown. See the "How to customize the information shown for cases" procedure (below) for help customizing the table to show different case information.
From this page, you can select to search the database for cases; save case search criteria; delete case searches; set a default case search view; view more information for a case; and customize the information shown for cases.
Note: If you have previously set a default search for this page, it runs automatically. To clear any values shown from a default search, select Clear.
Use the table
navigation tools to view different pages and information in the table.
Use (Refresh
link) beside the table navigation tools to refresh the page with the latest
Platform results. (Do NOT use your browser's Refresh tools.)
o The maximum number of rows supported for returning Platform search results for this type of table is defined in your user preferences, Items Per Page setting (Long table or Short table).
o Use the table navigation tools to view different pages and information in the table.
o Use
link) beside the table navigation tools to refresh the page with the latest
Platform results. (Browser Refresh tools do not update the table.)