Use to create a case entry in Axeda® Platform, or to view or modify an existing case as selected from the Asset dashboard. Your ability to modify the case depends on your user privileges. At the very least, you must have an Axeda® Case Management license plus access to the Case module for this feature.
The navigation path contains a link to the Case Search page and the case number for the displayed case. You can select the Case Search link to return to the Case Search page or to refresh (redisplay) the details for this case.
This page shows information for the selected case (Case Details) and information for the partner assigned to the case (Partner Details), as well as tools the partner can use. The Notes tool shows any notes defined for the case, and the Audit Trail page shows any audit trail information for the case.
Case Details: information for the selected case
o Title - for the case
o Go to Asset: Asset name - name of the asset for this case. If you point to this name, the Platform shows the location information for this asset, including the organization name, region, and location. Click the name to go to the Asset dashboard for this asset.
o Owner - when you select the owner's
name, the details for owner are shown in the Case Owner Details window.
You can select and choose a
different user from the displayed Case
Owner Selection page.
o Reason
o Priority
o Status
o Description - of the case, if one is defined
Partner Details: information for the partner assigned to the case; appears blank if a partner is not yet assigned or you don't have privileges to view partner information. When a partner is assigned to a case, the fields shown depend upon the case and partner assignments and configurations (as indicated below):
o Partner Name - Organization associated with the defined partner, if assigned
o Contact Name - Name of the contact assigned to the case for this partner
o Contact Email Address - E-mail address defined for this partner contact; select the address to create an e-mail message to send to this contact
o Contact Phone Number - Phone number identified for this partner contact
The following information applies (and is shown) only if the partner contact for this case is not privileged (that is, must provide a partner login session code in order to log in to the Axeda® Connected Product Management Applications):
o Current Login Code - Login code used by the partner contact to log in to the server for this case
o Login Details:
§ Duration - Identifies how long the login session will be valid, as a number of minutes (this is the value defined when the session was created)
§ One Time Login - If Yes, the session was created for one time use only; if No, the session supports more than one login.
o Login Start Time - Identifies when the session was connected
o Login End Time - Identifies when the session was ended, or will end
o Login Time Remaining - Identifies how much time remains before the session ends, in the format of nn Days nn Hours nn Minutes, as applicable
From this page, you can view the details for a case; modify the case; configure the login for the partner; remove the partner for the case; end the current partner login session; extend the current partner login session; send an e-mail to request that the current login be extended; view, create, edit, and delete notes for the case; view the audit trail for the case; view the Asset dashboard for the case; create a case.
All tools in the Partner Details section are shown only after a partner login session has been created for the case.
To modify information for a case
To view Asset dashboard for the asset
Note: Until a partner login session is created, only the Configure Partner Login Session link is shown.
To configure and create a login for a partner
To remove the partner for the case
To end the current partner login session
To extend the current partner login session
To request an extension for the current login session
To view the audit trail for a case
Use the table
navigation tools to view different pages and information in the
table. Use (Refresh
link) beside the table navigation tools to refresh the page with the
latest Platform results. (Do NOT use your browser's Refresh tools.)
The Axeda® Platform Audit log displays the details of the new login session.