Note: The table in this page shows "No items found" if the asset contains no currently registered scripts.
Important: If the asset is muted, you will be not able to view this page. This page will be available again once the asset is unmuted.
The Scripts table shows all the scripts registered on this asset or otherwise available to this asset (whether automatically published when the asset registered or manually published, through the Axeda® Connected Product Management Applications). The Available Scripts module shows scripts registered with the asset but not yet published to that asset. The Agent Timers module shows any timers created for this asset; and the Agent Triggers module shows Agent-based triggers configured for the Agent on the asset.
Using the tools in this page, you can create scripts for this asset, register and unregister scripts for the asset, and more. You can assign scripts to dynamic timers defined for this asset, resulting in "dynamic scripts." The Agent will run these dynamic scripts, based on their individual schedules, as part of running any scripts created within its own configuration.
If you need help creating scripts, refer to the Axeda® Script Developer's Reference (PDF). (You need Adobe Reader installed to view the script developer's guide. You can download it for free from
Scripts table shows the following information for each script:
o Status - shows the status of the script (as icon).
o Name - for the script.
o Author - Applications username of the individual who created this script or blank, if the script was created by the asset (based on the Agent's project).
o Last result - status from the last time the script was run on the asset.
o Actions - tasks that can be performed on the script, including Schedule, Re-register, Run, Cancel, Disable, or Publish.
o Date - when the script was last run.
From this page, you can perform a variety of script-related tasks, including scheduling a script or assigning timers to scripts. .Click the title of a procedure to display it; click the title again to hide the procedure:
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Select an option from the Jump to list to see more information or actions for the asset. If the asset is muted, you will be restricted to viewing only those pages that do not contain functionality that will result in communications to the muted asset. If the asset is unmuted, all pages to which you have privileges are available. For example, click Available scripts to see a list of all scripts registered for this asset as well as the names of the script authors and descriptions of each script. The options in this list vary from asset to asset.
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