Script and Timer statuses and results

An Axeda Gateway or Axeda Connector Agent can send a status of its scripts and timers to the Axeda® Platform when a script starts or exits (successfully or not). This status information is shown in the Scripts page for an asset. This page is available from the Asset dashboard (Axeda® Service application). From the Service application you can also request an update of the script status for an asset; the Platform passes the status request to the Agent when the Agent next contacts the Platform.

Status values

The Service application displays two different status values for each script associated with an asset. The first is the result of running the script. This status describes the last execution of the script on the asset, and corresponds to the date and time displayed for that script result.

The second type of status is the script's status, based on information received from the Agent or activity on the Platform. This information appears in the Status columns of the Script tables:

Possible messages from Axeda Gateway or Axeda Connector

o        image\script_runningicon.gif Running, and the line number and command currently running

o        image\script_errorregisteringicon.gif Error registering or error unregistering

o        Not running - the script is not running

o        Complete - the script has run.

Possible messages from the Platform

o        image\script_openbookicon.gif Ready - not currently running; enabled and ready to be run.

o        image\script_openbookicon.gif Disabled - will not run on the asset for any manual or automatic configurations (timers, triggers, and so forth) until it is again enabled and returned to the Ready status.

o        image\script_waitingrunicon.gif Waiting to run or image\script_waitingcancelicon.gif Waiting to cancel - the script was selected to be run/canceled, but has not yet been run/canceled on the asset because, for example, the asset has not yet contacted the server and received that message

o        image\script_waitingdisableicon.gif Waiting to disable or image\script_waitingenableicon.gif Waiting to enable - the script was selected to be disabled/enabled, but is not yet because, for example, the asset has not yet contacted the server and received that message.

o        image\script_waitingregistericon.gif Waiting to register or image\script_waitingunregistericon.gif Waiting to unregister - the script was selected to be registered/unregistered on the asset, but has not yet been registered/unregistered because, for example, the asset has not yet contacted the Platform and received that message

o        Waiting to associate -- the script has been selected to be associated with the asset (so that it can be run at the asset), but the association process has not yet completed.

o        Waiting to dissociate - the script has been selected to be dissociated from the asset (so that it can no longer be run at the asset), but that process has not yet completed.

o        Error associating or Error dissociating -- a problem occurred while the Platform was attempting to associate the script with the asset or while it was attempting to dissociate the script from the asset.

Last Result values (scripts)

The possible values for the Last Result value are:

o        Success - script ran successfully to completion

o        Failure/Error - script failed or returned an error the last time it was run; shows the line number in the script that was processing when the error occurred. For example, "Timed out at line: 6" or "Failure at line 11: $(parse diskUsageIntermediate.xml)".

o        Canceled - the script was canceled; shows the line number in the script that was running when it was canceled

o        Timed out -- while waiting for a response, the script timed out

o        Interrupted - while the script was running, the asset was restarted

o        Denied by Agent -- when the Agent checked its policies (from Axeda Policy Server), it determined that it was not allowed to run the script. The Agent sent a message to the Platform that the running of the script was denied.

o        None - the script has never been run