The Available Scripts page shows all scripts available to the asset but not yet registered for the asset. To register a script it needs to be deployed to the asset, either from this page or from the Configuration application.
Scripts shown here may have been published for a single asset in the Axeda® Service application. Once published, a script is made available to other assets of the same model and can be run on those assets but only after it is registered on those assets. These may also be scripts that were unregistered from the assets and need to be reregistered before they can be run on those assets, if needed.
o Name - name of the script
o Description - description for the script, if one was defined
o Author - name of the user who created this script
From this page, you can do the following: view or edit registered and not-yet published scripts; deploy selected scripts; register scripts on the asset
The Available Scripts module shows all scripts registered for the asset and their statuses.
o If this script was created from the Platform, and is not yet published, you can review and edit the contents. These scripts are shown in blue and can be selected.
o If this script is configured in the Agent and was installed with the asset, you cannot view its contents. These scripts are shown in black and cannot be selected.
1. If you want to view or edit a server-created script, select the name of the script.
2. In the displayed Script wizard, view and modify the contents of the script as desired.
If you make changes in the script wizard and select to save them, the script will be re-registered on the asset as indicated with a status of "Waiting to register".
If you want to view or edit a server-created script that has already been published, you need to unregister that script on all assets but one, because the script needs to remain registered on at least one asset. You can do this through the Configuration application, script manager.
If the "Scripts available for this model" table is shown, there are other scripts available for registration on this asset.
1. In the Available Scripts module, select the script you want to register. Click View all in this module if you do see a script you need.
2. In the displayed Available Scripts page, select all scripts you want to deploy or publish to the asset.
3. Click Deploy Selected Scripts. A message appears prompting you to confirm that you want to register the selected script(s) on the asset.
4. Click OK. The status for the scripts changes to "Waiting to register" (when the asset(s) next contact the Platform).
Also, when you save a new script to the asset, it is automatically registered with that asset.
o If you want to view and register a script on multiple assets, you can use the Configuration application, script manager.
o Use the navigation path to return to a previous page.
o Use
the table navigation
tools to view different pages and information in the table. Use (Refresh link)
beside the table navigation tools to refresh the page with the latest
Platform results. (Do NOT use your browser's Refresh tools.)