The Audit Trail shows activity performed on a case after that case is opened, including if the case is reopened. Information in the Audit Trail can be searched and sorted for viewing. Audit trail information cannot be deleted.
Any changes made to any case values, actions performed on an asset for which there is an associated case, and login sessions for a case are saved to the Audit Trail.
Examples of activity written to the Audit Trail for a case include:
o Reassigning an owner - changing the owner for a case
o Changing the Reason - for example, from alarm to data item.
o Changing
the status of a case - for example, from Unassigned
to Open, from Awaiting
Approval to Closed, or
from Closed to Open.
Examples of asset activity written to the Audit Trail for a case include:
o Access sessions performed on the asset - Audit Trail identifies the login name of the user who started the session, the Access Session ID, the type of Access session performed, the description provided for the session (if available), when the session started and ended, and all other Audit Details for the session.
o Packages deployed or files downloaded to the asset - for this activity, the Audit Trail identifies the name of the package or file, name of the user, and the date of the action
o Changes to asset data items - Audit Trail identifies the data item ID, the name of the user show performed the change, the values of the data item before (Previous Value) and after (Current Value) the change, and the date when the value was changed.
o Scripts run on an asset - Audit Trail identifies the name of the script, name of the user, and the date when the script was run.
o Remote
session activity - when the user who initiated a remote session from the
Case application Asset dashboard closes that remote session, the audit
message "Session was terminated by the user <userName>"
is show.
Examples of activity written to the Audit Trail for a partner login sessions and partner contact configuration and access include:
o Assigning a partner to a case, or removing a partner from a case
o Assigning a privileged or non-privileged partner contact to a case
o Removing a partner assignment from a case
o Extending the duration of the partner login session
o Explicitly ending the current partner login session (from Case Details page)
o Removing the partner assignment for a case (from Case Details page)
o Configuring a partner for a case before the existing partner login duration has ended or been extended
o Closing the partner login session from the Administration application, View Partner Login Sessions page
o The partner login session duration expires automatically.
o Cloning
a partner login session from the Administration application, View Partner
Login Sessions page
Examples of activity written to the Audit Trail for partner contact activities:
o Partner contact logs in to the server with login session code. This applies to both privileged and non-privileged contacts.
o Case is assigned to partner contact and that partner contact logs in to the server.
o Partner
contact logs out from the server
The Audit Trail is opened in the Case Details page by selecting Audit Trail. When you are finished reviewing the audit trail information, select Audit Trail a second time to close it.
The Audit Trail table shows the following information for each audit record:
o Modify Date - the date and time the audited activity took place (local server time)
o Modify User - name of the user who performed the audited activity
o Description - identifies the case status before and then after the audited activity. For example, "Modified Priority from Medium to High".
The following is an example audit trail record:
In this example, the admin user changed the priority for the case from High to Low at the specified date and time.
Use the table navigation
tools to view different pages and information in the table. Use (Refresh link)
beside the table navigation tools to refresh the page with the latest
Platform results. (Do NOT use your browser's Refresh tools.)