Axeda® Service Home

Axeda Service contains information for your assets and the tools to help you identify problems or conditions, track activity, and perform immediate actions on selected assets. The home page contains tools for locating assets, viewing information for assets, performing actions on assets, as well as the ability to quickly view assets with alarms, in your watch list, based on their current status, or assets that are missing.

When you select an asset from the home page, the Asset dashboard for the selected asset is shown.

Note: See About Axeda Service for more information about using Axeda Service tools to manage, monitor, and service your systems and assets.

As in all Axeda® Connected Product Management Applications pages, you are restricted to viewing and accessing only those assets and models to which you have privileges.

What do you want to do?

Locate assets with the Browse for assets tree

Locate assets with the Browse for assets table

Use the Advanced Filter tools to Browse for assets

Run Actions on Assets


Recent Assets, View, Data Export, and Transport menus

From any page in Axeda Service, you can view and access recent assets (Recent Assets menu), view assets by certain common conditions (View menu), create or run data queries (Data Export menu), and import or export files for assets (Transport menu). The availability of these operations is restricted based on user privileges and Platform configuration: only operations that you can perform are shown for selection.

§         To display the Asset dashboard for recently viewed assets - From the Recent Assets menu, select the asset you want to view. This menu will show the names of the assets that you have most recently accessed in the application (and the corresponding organization). When you select the asset from this menu, the Asset dashboard for that asset appears. Note that if you do not have access to the application, you will not see the Recent Assets menu.

§         To view assets assigned to you - From the View menu, select the type (characteristics) of assets you want to locate, or select an asset that may be displayed from one of the menu selections.

§         To export data - From the Data Export menu, select to create a query or run a saved query.

§         To communicate with assets that are offline from the Axeda® Platform, select Transport in the menu bar. When the Browse for Assets pages for Axeda® Transport appears, you can search for and select the asset and then the operation you want to perform: export, import, or override. For more information about Axeda Transport, refer to Overview of Axeda Transport or to the Axeda® Transport User's Guide.