The Browse for assets tools enable you to search for assets in the Platform by various properties of those assets. There are simple and advanced filters. Simple filters enable you to filter assets by missing or online, asset condition, asset name, organization, and location. Advanced filters provide the same basic filters as well as many more, including gateway attributes, data item expression, and package attributes.
By default, all Filter tools are shown for use. You can close the Filter tools if you want to use only the Browse tree for filtering or if you are content with the assets available in the currently displayed Browse table.
After you specify the filter properties for searching for assets and click Search, the Platform locates matching assets (that is, assets that contain the string within the selected asset property, for all asset property values you define) and displays them in the table. Notice that the table will change to show the columns appropriate to the filters selected. For example, if you select to filter by package information, the table shows a Package column with that information.
Simple filter values enable you to search for assets using the following asset attributes:
o Connected - Missing, Online, or Muted status (see icons).
Note: The Connected status is not relevant when an asset is muted, as the Platform is not actively communicating with the asset. When an asset is unmuted, the Platform will correctly identify whether that asset is connected or missing, as indicated with the icons
o Status (condition) (see icons).
o Name - Asset name (using all or part of the name).
o Organization - Organization assignment for the asset(s).
o Location (associated address) of the asset(s).
The following field is shown in the table, but not part of search criteria:
o Language - of the asset(s). The language is inherited from either the Location selected for the asset (since language is associated with locations defined in the Platform), or from an override configured with the Axeda Platform SDK. If the language for the location assigned to the asset is overridden via the Axeda Platform SDK, then the asset inherits the language override, and that language is displayed here instead.
Advanced filter values enable you to search for assets using the basic filters plus additional values. In the following list, the items marked with two asterisks (**) use Axeda Smart Suggest. The Advanced Filters are:
o Asset** - Serial number for the asset (using all or part of the serial number).
o Model** - Model for those asset(s).
o Organization - using Advanced filters you can search with all or part of the Organization name.
o Asset Group** - Type all or part of the name of an asset group to which the asset(s) you want to find are assigned. Use a wildcard character (*) to represent any part of the name that you do not type. After you click Filter, the fully qualified path name of the asset group appears in the Asset Group(s) column in the table. This column appears only if you use Asset Group as part of the search.
o Region** - Region with which the asset(s) are associated.
o System - System with which the asset(s) are associated.
o Gateway - Gateway managing the asset(s).
o Gateway Only - Check the box to only find Gateway model assets for the search (Axeda® Gateway assets).
o Backup Agents Only - Check the box to only find those assets that are running their Backup Agents.
o Data Item**/Condition/Value - Data item expression using a data item configured for the asset's model (using all or part of the data item name).
o Package/version - Successfully deployed package associated with the asset (using all or part of the package name).
o Without package - Check the box to only find assets that do not have packages.
o Muted -- Check the box to only find assets that are muted.
o Unregistered Only -- Check the box to only find assets that have never registered with the platform.
For example, you can use the filters to find:
o only gateway managed assets for a specific Gateway model (provide model name and select "Gateway Only").
o all assets with serial numbers containing the string "ACME" and packages "Package1" (specify those search values in Asset and Package fields).
o all assets in System "XYZ" that are Gateway models and have a data item, "DataX", of a value greater than "100" (specify those search values in the System and Gateway Only fields, and Data Item ("DataX"), Condition (">"), and Value ("100") fields).
1. If no filters are shown, click Filters. The basic filters are shown; select Advanced to show the advanced filters.
2. Type or select the values by which you want to search the server for assets. If you leave a field blank, it is not used to filter the asset search and assets with any value for the field are returned. For example if you do not select a Region, assets that match your other criteria and that are associated with any (or no) Region are returned. For the Asset, Model, Region, Asset Group, and Data Item fields, you can take advantage of Axeda Smart Suggest.
3. Click Search.
The table updates with a list of all assets corresponding to the filter values you specified. In addition, the table shows columns for the filters you've defined (for example, a Package column shows if you filtered with Package values). You can select the name of an asset to view the Asset dashboard for that asset.
If you want to run an action on assets, you need to make sure that only the assets you want for the action are shown in the Browse table. Remove any assets that you do not want to update before running the action.
o The maximum number of rows supported for returning Platform search results for this type of table is defined in your user preferences, Items Per Page setting (Long table or Short table).
o Use the table navigation tools to view different pages and information in the table.
o Use
link) beside the table navigation tools to refresh the page with the latest
Platform results. (Browser Refresh tools do not update the table.)
o Use the navigation path to return to a previous page.