This page appears when you select to run an action or a task for assets. Make sure the information is correct for the action or task you want to run. The actions available to be run have been predefined.
If you've selected an action (from the Service application home page) that you want to run on multiple assets, this window shows the following information:
o Total Assets: Identifies all assets in the Platform to which you have privileges.
o Assets affected by this action: Identifies the number of assets you have selected for this action.
o Models affected by this action: Identifies the number of models affected by this action, based on the assets selected for the action.
o Assets not affected by this action: Identifies the number of assets in the Platform to which you have privileges which are NOT selected for this action.
Review the assets you've selected for the action. Note that you cannot undo any action or task once you've selected to Execute it.
If the assets selected for this action are not correct, use different filters in the Axeda® Service home page to show only the assets on which you want to perform this action.
After running a task or action on an asset, you can view the status of that operation in the Asset dashboard - Recent Actions module.
The Recent Actions module shows the operation status and date and time the status was last updated. If an action or task is still in the Platform queue (and not yet sent to the asset), it can be deleted from that module manually. Actions are removed from that module automatically after a pre-defined number of days (a server setting).