Note: Axeda® Transport requires that the source and destination assets be running an Axeda® Gateway or Axeda® Connector Agent. It does not work with tracking assets that monitor mobile assets (for example, an Edge device) or with the Axeda® IDM Agents.
The Browse for Assets page appears when you click Transport in the menu bar of the Axeda® Service application. This page provides many of the same search capabilities for locating assets as are available in the main search pages of the Axeda® Configuration and Axeda® Service applications. To assist you in finding assets that require an Export, this page also enables you to search based on the name of a Package (created using the Software Management application). You can also search for assets that do not have an associated package. Exclusively for Axeda Transport, you can search for all assets having a Status of Available or a Status of Exported.
The search results table in the lower part of this page presents the following information for each asset:
o Name - the name of the asset in the Platform. The name is a link to the Asset dashboard for the asset.
o Asset Group(s) -- the fully qualified path name of the asset group(s) to which the related asset is assigned. This column is visible only when the search criteria include an entry in the Asset Group field.
o Organization - the name of the customer organization associated with the related asset in the Platform.
o Location - the site where the related asset is deployed.
o Status - the current status of the package for Transport: Exported, Available, or empty. If the status field is empty, either no package is available for the asset or someone has cleared the Exported status.
o (Export column and check box)
- If a Data Export has been created for an asset, the Export column displays
a check box. Select this check box and click Export to create the tar.gz
file for export. Refer to Axeda
Transport - Export for more information.
o Clear Export action - click the Clear Export action in this column to remove the Exported status of the package.
o From the top portion of this page, you can search for assets that you have permissions to view and service. The search area provides for both simple and advanced searches.
o In the lower portion of this page, you can view the results of your search. The assets that require an Export have a Status of Available. In addition, the Export column displays a check box.
o You
can select the Export check box
for an asset in the search results table and then click
to export the archive to your laptop. For more information, refer to Axeda Transport - Export.
o After
servicing an asset, you can display this page, search for the asset and
select it, and then click to
copy information from the serviced asset into the Platform. For more information,
refer to Axeda Transport - Import.
o If the status for an asset is Exported, an administrator can override this status so that another field service technician can be sent to install updates. To clear the Exported status so that the package is available for export again, locate the name of the asset and click its Clear Export link. When prompted, confirm that you want to clear the Exported status. You must have administrator privileges to override the Exported status.