Important: If the asset is muted, you will be not be able to view this page.
The Uploaded Files page shows all file uploads associated with this asset. The files may have been uploaded from this asset itself or they may have been uploaded from an asset associated with this asset. For information about asset association, refer to Associating assets with one another. Files can be uploaded to the Axeda® Platform, using the following methods:
o Tools of the Software Management application, either through package instructions or through Upload Requests wizard.
o Upload action, as configured in the Configuration application.
o Upload action available in the Tasks module of the Asset dashboard
o Streamed from the Agent asset, as configured in the Agent (for example, a snapshot or file watcher).
o For Axeda Gateway or Axeda Connector, a file configured to be uploaded when a specific alarm is generated.
Note: Files uploaded using the File Transfer action, as configured in the Configuration application, do not appear in this page.
You can use this information to view the status of file uploads, to track which files were uploaded, to view or save uploaded files to your local computer, and to remove uploaded files from the Platform if no longer needed. For example, if you notice that a file upload is missing from the Uploaded Files module on the Asset dashboard, you can locate that file upload in this page to see if it was cancelled or if an error occurred, preventing the upload from completing.
For files that are still being uploaded from assets running Axeda Gateway or Axeda Connector, you can see the current percentage of the upload that is complete. You can also see the estimated time of arrival (ETA) and the number of minutes before the upload will be complete. For these active uploads, you have the option of pausing or cancelling the upload. If an upload is currently paused, you can resume the upload. Note that the ability to pause or resume a file upload is available for uncompressed file uploads only.
The following information is shown for each file upload:
o Name - the name of the file as specified by the
project developer. This name includes a filename extension. If this file
was uploaded as the result of an alarm occurring,
appears next to the name.
o Size - the size of the file. The size is rounded to one decimal place. The unit of measure (Bytes, KB, MB, or GB) in which the size appears is based on the total number of bytes, as follows:
§ Bytes - used when the file size is less than 1024 bytes.
§ KB - used when the file size is greater than 1024 bytes but less than 1,048,576 (1024 * 1024) bytes
§ MB - used when the file size is greater than 1,048,576 (1024 * 1024) bytes and less than 1073741824 (1024 * 1024 * 1024) bytes
§ GB - used when the file size is greater than 1073741824 (1024 * 1024 * 1024) bytes and less than 1,099,511,627,776 (1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024) bytes
o Start - the date and time that the upload started.
o Status - current status of the upload.
o End - the date and time that the upload completed.
o Type - this field has content only for file uploads that have an associated "hint". The "hint" string is defined in the Agent project to describe the contents of the file and how to view it. For example, a hint of "DependencyRegistry" identifies the uploaded file as a Software Management Registry XML file (dependencies.xml). A hint of "snapshot" identifies the uploaded file as a snapshot (XML) file that you can view using the Snapshot Viewer.
o Action - for uploads that are in progress or paused, displays actions that you can take: pause/resume and cancel (you can also cancel uploads with a status of Stalled). Keep in mind that the Pause and Resume actions are available only if the file is not compressed.
Notes: Axeda
IDM Agents support only the Cancel action for a file upload that is in
progress. The Axeda Gateway, and Axeda Connector Agents support the Pause,
Resume, and Cancel actions for a file upload that is in progress. The
AWP and Agent Embedded Agents do NOT support these actions; although the
link is there, it does NOT work.
For Axeda Gateway and Connector Agents that are older than version 5.2,
the Action column contains the message, "Function not supported in
current Agent version." The pause/resume/cancel capabilities are
available only as of version 5.2 of the Axeda Agents.
The redundant gateway mode does not handle file upload interruption between
a Gateway and an asset due to a lost connection where the other managing
gateway automatically performs/recovers the upload.
If the Axeda Agent stops for any reason during an upload, the Axeda Platform manages the resumption of the file upload. For uncompressed files, the upload starts from the chunk where it was stopped. For compressed files, the upload must start again from the first chunk.
From this page, you can perform a variety of tasks on uploaded files. Click the title of a procedure to display it; click the title again to hide the procedure:
To pause, resume, or cancel an upload
To view a file or save it to disk
To remove files from the Platform
To view alarm information for an uploaded file
o Axeda Gateway, Axeda Connector, and Axeda Agent Embedded treat file uploads as Axeda Software Management (SM) packages, no matter where the file upload request originated. The Axeda Agents support multiple, concurrent package execution. For more information, refer to Agent Processing of SM Packages (file uploads).
o To compare two snapshot or two text files, return to the Asset dashboard, and in the Uploaded Files module, click the File Comparison link.
o Use the navigation path to return to a previous page.
o Select an option from the Jump to list to see more information or actions for the asset. If the asset is muted, you will be restricted to viewing only those pages that do not contain functionality that will result in communications to the muted asset. If the asset is unmuted, all pages to which you have privileges are available. For example, click Available scripts to see a list of all scripts registered for this asset as well as the names of the script authors and descriptions of each script. The options in this list vary from asset to asset.
o The maximum number of rows supported for returning Platform search results for this type of table is defined in your user preferences, Items Per Page setting (Long table or Short table).
o Use the table navigation tools to view different pages and information in the table.
o Use
link) beside the table navigation tools to refresh the page with the latest
Platform results. (Browser Refresh tools do not update the table.)