Configure upload action

Upload actions (Category: Software management actions) enable the Axeda® Platform to retrieve files from a selected asset. When the rule associated with this action type evaluates to true, the Platform retrieves the file(s) defined by this action from the related asset. This action uses the Upload Request functionality of the Software Management application.

The Axeda® Connected Product Management Applications support large file transfers, where "large" means that the files are larger than 2GB in size. By default, the Axeda Agents compress files before uploading them. When configuring the upload action, you can enable or disable the compression. For example, if you know that the file is already compressed, you can reduce the load on the asset CPU by disabling compression. In addition, due to a limitation in the tar format, you must disable compression for files larger than 8GB or results may be unpredictable. When compression is disabled, you can transfer only one file at a time.

During installation, your Platform administrator may have set limits for file size. By default, if the size of a file exceeds 2GB, compression is automatically disabled.

From this page, you can configure or modify an upload action, depending upon the action category selected.

To configure Upload actions

1.       File Specification
Refer to the notes for your Agent:

Axeda Gateway and Connector Agents
Axeda IDM Agents
AWP Agents

Note: This field accepts any path and filenames; the Platform does not validate these strings.

2.       Do not apply compression before uploading
Refer to the notes for your Agent:

Axeda Gateway and Connector Agents
Axeda IDM Agents
AWP Agents

3.       Path is relative to asset's home directory
Refer to the notes for your Agent:

Axeda Gateway and Connector Agents
Axeda IDM Agents
AWP Agents

4.       Delete from asset after successful upload.

Select this option to remove the file after it has been uploaded successfully. You can use this option with all Axeda Agents.

5.       Click Add Instruction. The file specification is added to the File(s) table. You can now create more file specifications for this action.

6.       Repeat steps 1 through 5 if you want to specify additional files for upload.

7.       If you need to remove any file specifications from this action, select the check box for those files and click Remove Checked. To remove all file specifications, select the check box in the table heading and click Remove Checked.

8.       When you are finished, click Next to select the user groups with edit permissions for this action. If you click Finish, the action confirmation page appears. If you click Cancel and continue canceling, all information configured in this wizard is removed.

Note: If, when the action is run, it does not complete successfully, any files already uploaded are removed from the Platform and the files yet to upload remain intact on the source asset.
