Use the Browse for Assets filter tools to select how you want to search for assets. You have two main search tools:
o Browse tree -- The Platform will show all information that adheres to your selection within a hierarchical tree format. The Browse tree shows only Platform information to which you have privileges. If the Platform has no information for items in your filter list, the Browse tree shows only the name(s) of the selected filter(s); you would need to select another filter for browsing.
o Advanced filters -- Advanced filters provide the basic filters as well as many more, including gateway attributes, data item expression, and package attributes. See the Search for assets overview topic for detailed help with using advanced filters.
The Browse table updates with the values for the objects you select in the Browse tree, and the assets related to those values. For example, if the filter is "Regions, Organizations" and you select a region, all assets for all organizations related to that region appear in the Browse tree.
The filters available for selection from the Browse tree are determined by your Platform and may contain a combination of regions, organizations, models, asset groups, locations, gateways, and systems.
1. Assuming these assets are located at the Commerce Street location in the Northeast Region for the ACME organization, you could select the Organizations, Regions, Locations, Models Browse tree filter, if available. This filter would show all organizations to which you have privileges.
2. Select ACME (from either the View By list or table). The Browse tree would show all regions defined for ACME.
3. Select Northeast. The Browse tree would then show all locations in the Northeast region.
4. Select Commerce Street. The tree would then show all models located at Commerce Street.
5. Select modelA. All assets of modelA at that location in that region for that organization would appear for selection in the table. If you select a modelA asset, the Asset dashboard for that asset would appear.
Asset groups are hierarchical. When you choose the Asset Groups option in the Browse tree filter, you see a hierarchy based on your assigned privileges. For users with privileges to it, the top-level group is the Root Asset Group. An immediate child of the Root Asset Group, the Default Model Group is the parent to all default model asset groups. The Root Asset Group and the Default Model Group exist when the Platform is first launched. When models are added to the Platform (either automatically upon asset registration or manually) the Platform automatically creates the default model asset groups. None of these groups (Root Asset Group, Default Model Group, and default model asset groups) can be deleted.
All other asset groups are displayed under the Root Asset Group in a hierarchy. Each asset group has one and only one Parent Asset Group. The Browse tree shows the asset groups in this hierarchical structure; it shows asset groups that were created manually, asset groups created automatically upon asset registration (if enabled), and asset groups that were created by the execution of dynamic group definitions.
Names for the Default Model Asset Groups are derived from the names
of their corresponding models. While forward slash characters are allowed
in model names, the Platform automatically replaces the forward slash
in the names of the Default Model Asset Groups with a vertical bar or
"pipe" ( | ). This replacement exists to distinguish between
the forward slash used as a delimiter for the fully qualified path of
an asset group (for example, Root Asset Group/Default ABCmodel Group/myAssetGroup)
from that used in a Default Model Asset Group name.
In addition, the names of asset groups created dynamically from property
values that contain a forward slash also have the vertical bar or pipe
instead of the original forward slash (used in the property values).
If you have privileges to an asset group, you have privileges to all assets
assigned to that group. In addition, if that asset group is a Parent Asset
Group with one or more child asset groups, you can see all child asset
groups and all assets assigned to them.
The Browse table shows all items associated with the currently selected
Browse filter. This table shows all items and their properties; the same
list of items is shown in the Browse tree, minus related properties.
The Browse tree and table identify the types of displayed items through the use of icons. These icons help you quickly discern the type of item shown and, in some cases, the current status of that item.
Advanced filters provide the basic filters as well as many more, including gateway attributes, data item expression, and package attributes.
1. If no filters are shown, click Filters. The basic filters are shown; select Advanced to show the advanced filters.
2. See the Search for assets overview topic for detailed help with using advanced filters to search for assets.
o The maximum number of rows supported for returning Platform search results for this type of table is defined in your user preferences, Items Per Page setting (Long table or Short table).
o Use the table navigation tools to view different pages and information in the table.
o Use
link) beside the table navigation tools to refresh the page with the latest
Platform results. (Browser Refresh tools do not update the table.)
o Use the navigation path to return to a previous page.