Current Alarms

see map of Service

The Current Alarms page shows all current, or open, alarms for this asset, for the filter criteria selected. Current alarms are those alarms in one of the following states: started, escalated, or acknowledged. If no filtering has been applied, the page shows ALL current alarms. Alarms remain "current" until their states are changed to "closed". At that point, they are visible only in the Historical Alarms page.


By default the table shows a maximum of 1000 alarms. This value is configurable in the System Properties. See System Configuration for more information.

Current alarms are also visible in the Historical Alarms page.

The table displays the following columns:

o        Name - of the alarm. If notes exist for the alarm, image\alarmnotes.gif appears after the name. If a single file was uploaded with the alarm, image\file_alarm_assoc_single.gif (single file) appears after the file name; click the icon to download or view the file. If multiple files were uploaded with the alarm, image\file_alarm_assoc_multiple.gif (multiple files) appears after the name; click this icon to display the Uploaded Files page for this asset, where you can view all uploaded files associated with this alarm.

For alarms sent by Axeda® Agents, this field shows the name of the analog or digital data item whose value triggered the alarm. If the Agent sent a custom alarm, this field shows the name assigned to the custom alarm in the Agent configuration. If the Agent forwarded an alarm that was generated by a driver running on the asset (a "dynamic" alarm), this field shows the name of the alarm as sent by the driver.

For alarms sent by Axeda® IDM Agents , the alarm name is "FaultGeneratedByAsset". To view the four components of the alarm, click the name of the alarm. The Alarm Details window appears. The Description field on this page contains the alarm components.

o        Description - if provided with the alarm instance, user-defined information about this alarm. If this text is longer than the field can hold, the text is truncated to fit the field and an ellipsis is displayed. You can move the cursor over the ellipsis to view the complete text.

For an Axeda Gateway or Axeda Connector Agent, the information shown in this field depends on the main category of alarm (analog, digital, custom, or dynamic). Click here for details; click again to hide the details.

For an Axeda IDM Agent, this field shows the four components of a fault (alarm): code, abstract, description, and detail. Click here for an example that shows how they would appear; click again to hide the example.

If expression rules have been written for the Axeda IDM Agents to take this alarm information and generate new alarms, using the information, then this field will show only the information provided in the Description component of the fault.

o        Date - the date that the alarm was created at the Platform. For example, "10/31/10 10:58 AM".

o        Severity - a numeric value assigned to this alarm, as configured for this alarm condition; this value can range from 0 to 1000 and provides a means for filtering the list of alarms and for triggering other functionality (for example, rules that trigger based on alarm severity values).

o        Type - type of alarm, such as HiHi or LoLo (for example, if the related data item reached a value range defined as HiHi).

o        State - the name of the current state of the alarm. Show/Hide the possible states for a current alarm

o        Data Item Name - name of the actual data item whose value met the alarm criteria, thereby triggering this alarm.

o        Data Item Value - value of the data item that triggered the alarm.

Procedures from this page

From this page, you can filter the table of alarms to include only alarms that meet selected search criteria; select to view and edit details for an alarm; view files uploaded with an alarm; acknowledge, escalate, or close selected alarms; display the Alarm Definitions page for the asset, where you can change the initial disposition for future instances of the alarm; and view the Historical Alarms page.

Click the title of a procedure to display it; click the title again to hide the procedure:

To filter the table of alarms

To view notes or add notes to alarms

To view files uploaded with an alarm

To view and edit details for an alarm (including changing the state and severity)

To change the initial disposition of alarms for this asset

To view the Historical Alarms page


o        When typing times and dates, apply the format identified per your User Preferences.

o        Use the navigation path to return to a previous page.

o        Select an option from the Jump to list to see more information or actions for the asset  If the asset is muted, you will be restricted to viewing only those pages that do not contain functionality that will result in communications to the muted asset. If the asset is unmuted, all pages to which you have privileges are available. For example, click Available scripts to see a list of all scripts registered for this asset as well as the names of the script authors and descriptions of each script. The options in this list vary from asset to asset.

o        Use the Auto Refresh feature to automatically refresh the table.

o        The maximum number of rows supported for returning Platform search results for this type of table is defined in your user preferences, Items Per Page setting (Long table or Short table).

o        Use the table navigation tools to view different pages and information in the table.

o        Use image\icon_refresh.gif (Refresh link) beside the table navigation tools to refresh the page with the latest Platform results. (Browser Refresh tools do not update the table.)