This Alarm Definitions page for an asset shows all of the alarm definitions for the current asset. It allows users with the appropriate privileges to enable, disable, suppress, and unsuppress future instances of alarms for this asset. These actions affect only FUTURE instances of the alarm. They do not affect any current or historical instances of the alarm.
For each alarm definition in the table, the following information is available:
o Name - the name assigned to the
alarm in the Axeda Agent project or in the Alarm
Definition (Axeda Configuration application).
For an Axeda®
IDM Agent, this
field shows "Fault Generated By Asset" if the alarm came directly
from the Agent.
If the icon appears next to
the alarm name, the current asset overrides the initial disposition set
in the Configuration application for this alarm definition.
o Description - if provided with the
alarm instance, user-defined information about this alarm. If this text
is longer than the field can hold, the text is truncated to fit the field
and an ellipsis is displayed. You can move the cursor over the ellipsis
to view the complete text.
For an Axeda Gateway or Axeda Connector Agent, the information shown in
this field depends on the main category of alarm (analog, digital, custom,
or dynamic):
§ Analog alarms -- If the alarm is a Value alarm, this field shows the Description entered for the Value Level (LoLo, Low, HiHi, or High) in Axeda® Builder. If this alarm is a Deviation alarm, this field shows the Description entered for the Minor Deviation or Major Deviation in Axeda Builder.
§ Digital alarms -- This field shows the text entered for the Message in the configuration of the Digital Alarm Style in Builder.
§ Custom alarms -- This field shows the text entered for the Message in the configuration of the Custom Alarm Style in Builder.
§ Dynamic alarms -- This field shows whatever the driver sent for a message.
For an Axeda IDM Agent, this field shows the four components of a fault (alarm): code, abstract, description, and detail. The following example shows how they would appear here:
ErrorCode=<fault error code>
Abstract=<fault abstract>
Description=<fault description>
Detail=<fault detail>
If expression rules have been written for the IDM Agents to take this alarm information and generate new alarms, using the information, then this field will show only the information provided in the Description component of the fault.
o Alarm Disposition
-- the disposition of an alarm refers to how the alarm is handled when
it is first detected by the Axeda Platform. This column shows the current
disposition setting for an alarm definition FOR THIS ASSET. If the disposition
for this asset differs from the disposition set for the model in the Configuration
application, the appears next
to the alarm name. The following settings are possible:
§ Empty column -- When the Alarm Disposition column is empty, the alarm definition is Enabled and Unsuppressed. New instances of this alarm are processed normally; that is, their state is set to "Started", they are stored in the Platform, and they are available for evaluation by business rules.
§ Disabled means that all new instances of this alarm are discarded. These alarm instances are not stored in the Platform nor are they visible in the Axeda Service application. Since they never enter the Platform, rules that are configured to run when these alarms are detected do not run.
§ Suppressed means that all new instances of this alarm are effectively closed upon receipt: the Platform stores them in Historical Alarms only, sets their states to "Suppressed," and does NOT run any associated business rules. These alarm instances do not appear in the Alarms module on the Asset dashboards nor do they appear in the Current Alarms page.
o Actions -- The available actions depend on the current disposition. The actions are links that you can click to enable or disable and suppress or un-suppress each alarm for this asset. Note that you must have the appropriate privileges to be able to see and use these actions.
From this page, you can change the initial disposition for one or more alarm definitions (as long as you have the appropriate privileges).
Important! Any action taken on an alarm definition affects FUTURE instances of the alarm; it does NOT affect current or historical instances of the alarm.
By default, the initial disposition of an alarm instance is Enabled (and Unsuppressed). With this disposition, new instances of the alarms are visible in the Alarms module on the Asset dashboard for the asset associated with the alarm. Service technicians can open the Alarm Details page and enter notes, change the severity of the alarm, and change the state of the alarm. As long as the state of the alarm instance is not changed to "closed," the alarm instance remains visible in the Current Alarms and Historical Alarms pages and available for processing by business rules.
If you want to stop alarms from appearing in the Asset dashboard, the Current Alarms page, and the Assets with Alarms page, you can set the initial disposition of the alarm definitions to Disabled. Future instances of the alarm are discarded immediately upon receipt. They do not appear in the Alarms module or other pages, and they are not available for evaluation by business rules.
If you need to suspend this processing of alarms but still want a record of them, you can suppress alarms from this page. When you are ready to resume normal operations, you can unsuppress the alarms. You must have the appropriate privileges to suppress and unsuppress alarms.
o The maximum number of rows supported for returning Platform search results for this type of table is defined in your user preferences, Items Per Page setting (Long table or Short table).
o Use the table navigation tools to view different pages and information in the table.
o Use
link) beside the table navigation tools to refresh the page with the latest
Platform results. (Browser Refresh tools do not update the table.)
o Use the Auto Refresh feature to automatically refresh the table.
o Use the navigation path to return to a previous page.
o Select an option from the Jump to list to see more information or actions for the asset. If the asset is muted, you will be restricted to viewing only those pages that do not contain functionality that will result in communications to the muted asset. If the asset is unmuted, all pages to which you have privileges are available. For example, click Available scripts to see a list of all scripts registered for this asset as well as the names of the script authors and descriptions of each script. The options in this list vary from asset to asset.