View and manage custom applications

From this page, you can select to upload new custom applications to the Platform and view and manage any custom applications that have already been uploaded.

Display custom applications in the Asset dashboard

Using Extended UI Modules, you can display the content of a custom application in the Asset dashboard. The module will render the contents of the custom application in the context of the related asset. When configured in an Extended UI Module, different URL parameters and index files can be defined.

Important: If you want to show a custom application in an extended UI module, it MUST return actual, viewable content. If the custom application is not defined to render displayable data, the Extended UI Module will NOT be shown in the related Asset dashboards. In conjunction, if the selected application is deleted from the system or is NOT available to the logged in user, any Extended UI Module defined for that application is not shown in the related Asset dashboards.

Display custom applications as Extended Tabs

When uploading a custom application, you can select the Extended tab display mode, which allows the custom application to be launched as one of five available extended tabs. You can then specify the name of the tab, where it should be displayed in the tab grouping, and any privileges that are required for a user to view the extended tab.

Keep in mind:

o        User group privileges control your ability to upload and manage custom applications.

o        Use only the currently-supported browser versions to upload web applications and access those applications.

o        Browsers may cache the application resources. If it seems like the most recent changes to web application resources are not loaded, try clearing the browser cache.

o        For Platforms where Delegated Administration is enabled, the list of web applications includes only those uploaded by users in the Delegated Admin Unit of the currently logged-in user. If you are logged in as an Administrator of the primary Platform, then you may see prefixes on the names of web applications; refer to Names of Objects in DA Units for details. For information about object security in Delegated Administration, refer to Security for Objects in Delegated Administration Units.

The table in the lower portion of the View and manage custom applications page displays the following information for previously uploaded applications:

o        File - Name of the default index file (for a .zip file). The index file name is used as the default relative URL when the application is uploaded in a .zip file. You can click the file name to modify the custom application.

o        URL - Platform location for accessing this application. This location will be unique for each application.

o        Description - any user-defined description defined when the file was uploaded.

o        Tab Name - For Extended tab mode applications, this is the name of the tab from which the custom application is accessed.

o        Show After Tab - For Extended tab mode applications, this is the name of the tab that the tab for the custom application is displayed after.

o        Tab Privilege - For Extended tab mode applications, this is the name of the privilege required for a user to view this custom application.

o        Uploaded By - name of the Axeda Applications user who uploaded the application.

o        Uploaded Date - Platform timestamp for when the application was uploaded.

To refresh the information displayed in this page, click Refresh. The page displays the most recent changes to the list of uploaded applications and their information.

Important! All applications are available for running to ALL users, whether or not the Platform is configured with Delegated Administration Units. Authentication is not required in order to view the uploaded application. It is up to your application to authenticate users who access the URL. The delivery servlet for web applications does not "know" about a user session.

Procedures from this page

As long as you have the appropriate privileges to access and use this page, you can take the following actions:

o        Upload a new application.

o        Select previously uploaded applications and modify them, download them, or delete them.

To test your uploaded application or to run any web application, refer to the procedure, How to Run a Web Application.