In this page, you can select actions to execute for this rule, or remove actions from that list. If you do not see the action(s) you want to select for the rule, you can use the Filter tool. Only actions to which you have privileges appear in this page for assignment in this rule.
The tables show the following information for each action:
o Name - of the action
o Description - of the model, if specified
o Summary - identifies the operation this action will perform (category of action), as well as information applicable to the specific action, such as the notification to send (for Send Notification action) or asset condition to set for asset (for Set condition action).
Note: If you need to update
the Available and Selected lists with current Platform information, click
link) next to the table controls (do NOT use your browser's Refresh tool).
From this page, you can filter the list of available assets, create
actions, and assign actions for this rule.
When you are finished, click Next to configure the user groups for the rule, or click Finish if you are done modifying the rule. If you click Cancel and continue canceling, all information configured in this wizard is removed and a list of rules appears.
o The maximum number of rows supported for returning Platform search results for this type of table is defined in your user preferences, Items Per Page setting (Long table or Short table).
o Use the table navigation tools to view different pages and information in the table.
o Use
link) beside the table navigation tools to refresh the page with the latest
Platform results. (Browser Refresh tools do not update the table.)