Note: This page applies to Gateway model assets only.
The Managed Assets page shows all assets configured for management by the selected gateway. Only assets to which you have privileges and which are configured for gateway management appear in this list of assets.
The table shows the following information for each asset:
Missing or online icon.
Status icon - (as defined in the Configuration application).
Name - of the asset managed by this Gateway model asset.
Location - address for the company with which the asset is associated.
Configuration - Gateway configuration parameters for this asset (if any).
From this page, you can filter the list of assets to show only assets that meet selected search criteria.
1. Click Filters to show the filter boxes, if not shown.
2. To view all assets for the Gateway asset, click Filter without typing any search values.
3. To perform a search of the server, do one or more of the following and then click Filter:
a. In the box above the Status column, select the asset condition to include in the search.
b. In the box above the Name column, type all or part of the name of the asset(s) you want to find. (The server will return all names that contain the characters you specified.)
c. In the box above the Location column, select the location to include in the search.
The Axeda Platform finds all assets managed by this Gateway that contain the search value(s) defined per your criteria and shows them in the table.
o The maximum number of rows supported for returning Platform search results for this type of table is defined in your user preferences, Items Per Page setting (Long table or Short table).
o Use the table navigation tools to view different pages and information in the table.
o Use
link) beside the table navigation tools to refresh the page with the latest
Platform results. (Browser Refresh tools do not update the table.)
o Use the navigation path to return to a previous page.
o Select an option from the Jump to list to see more information or actions for the asset. If the asset is muted, you will be restricted to viewing only those pages that do not contain functionality that will result in communications to the muted asset. If the asset is unmuted, all pages to which you have privileges are available. For example, click Available scripts to see a list of all scripts registered for this asset as well as the names of the script authors and descriptions of each script. The options in this list vary from asset to asset.