The View and manage assets page is the home page for the Axeda® Configuration application. This page shows all assets in the Platform to which you have privileges. If the list of assets is extremely long, you can specify search criteria to filter the list. For example, you can select the name of a particular Model if you want to see only the assets of that Model.
The table shows the following information for each asset:
o Name -- the name assigned to the asset
o Model -- the model associated with the asset
o Associations -- the Manage link, which takes you to the Configure Asset Associations page, where you can add, edit, or remove associations for the selected asset. For background information on associations, refer to Associating assets with one another.
o Location -- a stationary address where the asset is installed or located.
o Language -- The location may also include an associated language. The language is inherited from either the Location selected for the asset (since language is associated with locations defined in the Platform), or from an override configured with the Axeda Platform SDK. If the language for the location assigned to the asset is overridden via the Axeda Platform SDK, then the asset inherits the language override, and that language is displayed here instead.
o Reset Token -- For assets managed by an Axeda® Gateway Agent, this field provides a way for you to reset the token sent by the Axeda Gateway agent. If the token has been removed at the gateway asset, you need to reset the token here so that the Platform accepts a new token created by the asset. For more information about tokens, see Resetting tokens.
From this page, you can select to filter the list of assets based on search criteria; view more information for an asset or for a model; and remove assets from the Platform. Click the procedure title to display the procedure; click the title again to hide the procedure:
o The maximum number of rows supported for returning Platform search results for this type of table is defined in your user preferences, Items Per Page setting (Long table or Short table).
o Use the table navigation tools to view different pages and information in the table.
o Use
link) beside the table navigation tools to refresh the page with the latest
Platform results. (Browser Refresh tools do not update the table.)