From the home page of the Axeda Access application, you can display a summary of active session information, an audit trail for active and closed sessions, and several session reports. You can also download Axeda® Access Viewer and initiate remote sessions using Access Viewer.
You use Axeda Access to generate a shared session ID for remote sessions using Axeda Access Viewer only. Once the computers running the Axeda® Access Remote (the server) and Access Viewer (the client) connect to the same session ID, the desktop of the server computer is shared to the client computer. Depending on the options your organization purchased, the Platform uses either its internal remote server or forwards the session request to the Axeda® Global Access Server (GAS). The internal remote server and the GAS server each enable and coordinate the communication between the client and server computers, including computers behind firewalls. More than one Access Viewer client can share the desktop of the same Access Remote server computer; however, a separate session ID is required for each connection.
As of version 5.2 of Axeda® Connected Product Management Applications,
the client/server software that supports remote desktop connections through
the Axeda® Service
application is comprised of Axeda® Desktop Viewer (client) and Axeda®
Desktop Server (server). While Axeda Service
also supports the Axeda® Access Viewer (client) and Axeda® Access Remote
(server) applications for remote sessions, Axeda Access supports only
Axeda Access Viewer and Access Remote server software for remote desktop
Axeda® Connected Product Management Applications
supports large file transfers through the Axeda® Software Management application
and through file transfer actions in either the Axeda® Configuration or
Axeda® Service
applications. However, Axeda Access does NOT support large file transfers.
If you want to transfer files larger than 2GB in size, create a package
or initiate an Upload Request in Software Management, or use one of the
file transfer actions in the Tasks module on the Asset dashboard (Axeda Service application).
While the Axeda® IDM Agents support Axeda Desktop Viewer or other VNC clients
and VNC servers, they do not support the Axeda Access Viewer and Axeda
Access Remote Server for remote desktop connections. Similarly, the Access
Application does not support remote session capabilities of the IDM Agents.
Instead, remote sessions with assets running these IDM Agents are handled
by the TotalAccess server. The TotalAccess server is separate from and
does not communicate directly with the Axeda Platform. However, you can
configure remote session information for models running IDM Agents through
the TotalAccess Connection Type
Bindings page in the Model wizard (Axeda® Configuration application)
and view session information through the Axeda® Administration application
(Remote Access menu). Refer to the TotalAccess documentation for details
about the server, its installation, configuration, and operation. Refer
to Axeda IDM Agents for general information
about the features of the IDM Agents currently supported in the Platform.
For information about running remote sessions with assets running these
agents, refer to Creating
a TotalAccess Session.
Need more information?
See About
Axeda Access for more information about desktop sharing and
Axeda Access technology. For information about using Axeda Access Viewer
for remote desktop sharing through the Axeda Access application, refer
to the user guide, Axeda®
Access VIewer User's Guide.
All Access Application pages contain an Install Viewer link. This link installs Access Viewer. It does not install Desktop Viewer. To download Desktop Viewer, use the Download link in the Remote Sessions module on the Asset dashboard for the asset that is running Desktop Server.
If you have problems creating or connecting to sessions, see Troubleshooting Access sessions.
What do you want to do?
a new session ID - generate an Access session ID so that an
Axeda Access Viewer computer can view and operate the desktop of an attended
Axeda Access Remote server computer.
View active
Remote Access sessions -
shows the status of all active sessions created through Axeda Access,
both attended and unattended.
Control and repair remote
assets - shows all computers configured to allow unattended
operation (desktop-sharing servers). Also lets you: create an unattended
session ID for an asset; update the poll rate for the asset (frequency
that the Axeda® Enterprise Server
computer checks the Global Access Server for waiting unattended sessions);
and add a comment for the asset.
- Installs the Axeda Access
Viewer application.