Manage Remote Hosts

The Manage Remote Hosts page displays all Axeda desktop-sharing server computers currently online to the Axeda® Platform and configured to allow unattended operation. Using this information, you can determine if an asset you need to service is online and able to be connected to a session. If so, you can create a session ID specifically for that asset or change the poll rate or comment.

The Remote Hosts table shows the following information for each asset running a desktop-sharing server:

o        Name - unique identifier of the asset running a desktop server

o        Comment - any user-defined comments for the associated asset. These comments are maintained on the Platform; they are not sent to the asset.

o        Server ID - the unique ID assigned to the asset by the Platform

o        Poll Rate (Seconds) - the rate at which the asset contacts the Platform for unattended operation.

o        Date Last Contacted - the date and time that the asset last contacted the Platform.

o        Actions - the actions to execute from this page: Create Unattended Session, Edit, or Delete

Procedures from this page

From this page, you can select to create a session ID for the asset that is running a desktop-sharing server; update the poll rate for that asset; and add or edit comments.

To create an unattended Access session

In the Actions column, click Create Unattended Session for the desired computer.

The Active Sessions page appears. The new session ID you just created has a status of Waiting. The ID for the new session must be provided to the client operator so that they can connect to the session from their computer. The next time the asset contacts the Platform and finds a waiting session, it connects to the session. Once both the desktop-sharing client and server are connected to the session, the remote desktop is shared.

Note that for unattended operation, there is no timeout period for the desktop server to connect to the session (in case the asset is offline or has an infrequent poll rate); however, the client computer must still connect to the session within the configured timeout period.

For information about using Axeda Access Viewer for the session, refer to the user guide, Axeda® Access Viewer User's Guide.

To update the Access Remote poll rate or asset comments

In the Actions column, click Edit for the desired computer.

The Manage Remote Hosts | Edit page appears. You can add or change information shown in the corresponding configuration page.