Select a task to run from Tasks module

This module shows tasks to execute in the Platform (that is, task results affect the Platform) and on the asset (that is, task results affect the asset directly).

o        When you select to execute a task in the Platform, that task is run immediately.

o        When you select to execute a task on the asset, the Platform does not actually send the task to the asset until you confirm the request.

This list of tasks varies depending upon your rights to an asset and your privileges in the Axeda Applications, and the actual tasks that could and should be executed for this asset.

Available tasks can include (in addition to asset-specific tasks or actions):

o        Add the asset to your watch list: Adds this asset to your Watch list (as visible in the Axeda® Service application home page and in Your Watch List).

o        Edit the asset: shows the Asset wizard in which you can edit the Platform's information for this asset.

o        E-mail asset link: shows an E-mail Asset window in which you can specify values for an e-mail message and then send that message (from the Platform).

o        Upload or download files to asset: shows the Upload files or Download files, respectively, in which you can specify files to upload to the Platform from this asset or download from the Platform to this asset.

o        Upgrade this asset: shows the Select a package to deploy page from which you can select a package to deploy to the asset.