Rule wizard - Data Expression page

Each time the Axeda® Platform receives a server data message from an asset of the related model type, it evaluates all enabled Data Expression rules configured for that model.

When a Data Expression rule evaluates to true (a non-zero value), the Platform executes all actions associated with the rule for the assigned assets and asset groups.

Procedures from this page

Use the tools on this page to create or modify a Data Expression rule for the selected assets, asset groups, and models.

How to create a Data Expression rule for the selected model

1.       If this rule's action(s) should be executed every time the rule evaluates to true, then select Consecutive.

If Consecutive is not selected, the actions are executed upon the first evaluation to true and are not executed again until the rule evaluates to false and then true again.  

2.       Create the expression for this rule, as follows:

Note: If you select multiple models, only data items available to all the selected models appear for selection in this page. For example, if you select modelA and modelB, all data items available in both modelA and modelB appear in the list: data items available in only one of the models are not shown.


In the following example, the actions for the rule are executed each time data item data1 is greater than or equal to 100 AND data item data2 is less than data1.


For the following expression, any actions for the rule are run only if

Either (the value of available_disk is more than 100 and less than 500) OR (the value of available_memory is more than 500 and less than 800)

AND (the value of IP_address is



When you are finished, click Next to configure the actions for the rule, or click Finish if you are done modifying the rule. If you click Cancel and continue canceling, all information configured in this wizard is removed and a list of rules appears.


o        In the Axeda® Service application, Asset dashboard Rules module, you can view and enable or disable the rules configured for a specific asset. In addition, if there is a Data Expression action defined for a selected asset, you can use the tools in that page to overwrite those parameters. The new parameters are saved to the database with the rules configuration.

o        The Has operator is applicable for string-type data items only, and enables you to evaluate if the value of a data item contains a specified string. This is a case-insensitive evaluation. For example, the following expression evaluates to true when the value of dataItem1 is one of the following: "wxyz", "Rgsserxyzddfr", "xyZ". It evaluates to false when value of dataItem1 is "xyTz".
