Shows the privileges assigned to partner you are creating or viewing (as selected from the View Partners page). The selected privileges determine which operations the contacts for the associated partners can perform in the applications. Assigning privileges is how you limit partner contact capabilities within the Axeda® Connected Product Management Applications. By default, when you create a partner there are no privileges assigned to that partner.
For a complete list of all the partner privileges and their functionality within Axeda Applications, see User Group Privileges in Axeda® Connected Product Management Applications. Note that although all privileges are shown, not all make sense to partner contacts, such as "Configure partner login session" and "Remove partner login". Even if you select partner-related privileges, the partner contact will not be able to perform partner-only activities.
You can select the privileges for this partner and its associated contacts.
1. Do one of the following to add privileges to this partner:
a. In the Unassigned Privileges list, select the check box(es) for all the privileges you want to provide to this partner and click Add Checked.
b. To add all privileges shown in the current page of the table, click the check box in the table header and then click Add Checked.
c. To add all privileges in the Unassigned Privileges list, click Add All. If there are multiple pages in the table, all privileges from all pages are added.
The Privileges
For This Partner table shows all privileges you added.
All contacts for the selected partner have the privileges in the Axeda
Applications as selected in this list. For example, if a View
type privilege is assigned to the partner, partner contacts are able to
view data in the associated item (for example, an associated application).
Note: When a partner contact is assigned to a case, the server provides that individual with access to the Axeda® Service application Asset dashboard automatically. The Service - Asset - Dashboard privilege does NOT need to be provided manually to that contact.
2. Do one of the following to remove privileges from this partner:
a. In the Privileges For This Partner list, select the check box(es) for all the privileges you want to remove from this partner and click Remove Checked.
b. To remove all privileges shown in the current page of the table, click the check box in the table header and then click Remove Checked.
c. To remove all privileges in the Privileges For This Partner list, click Remove All. If there are multiple pages in the table, all privileges from all pages are removed.
The Unassigned Privileges list shows all privileges you removed.
3. When
you are finished, click Next to
confirm the information configured
for this partner. If you click Cancel
and continue canceling, all information configured in this wizard is removed.
o The maximum number of rows supported for returning Platform search results for this type of table is defined in your user preferences, Items Per Page setting (Long table or Short table).
o Use the table navigation tools to view different pages and information in the table.
o Use
link) beside the table navigation tools to refresh the page with the latest
Platform results. (Browser Refresh tools do not update the table.)