The Package Manager page displays a summary of the packages that have been created. For each package, it presents basic information about the package and a set of actions you can perform on the package. For each package, the summary list provides the following information:
Name - the name assigned to the package when it was created.
Note: In a Platform where Delegated Administration is enabled, the names of packages may contain prefixes. For details, refer to Names of Objects in DA Units.
Version - the version number assigned to the package during the last edit.
Model - the model assigned to this package
Published - whether or not the package has been locked from editing (Yes - locked, No - not locked)
Last Updated By - the login name of the user who last edited the package
Last Updated On - the date and time of the last edit
Actions - a list of the possible operations you can perform on a package, Edit, Publish, Deploy, and Delete. Boldface type indicates that an action is available; plain type indicates that the action is not available. Note that the Edit and Publish actions become unavailable as soon as you use the Publish action on a package.
What you are allowed to do in this page and whether you can even see a certain package depends on privileges associated with your user login name, the package, and the models targeted by the package. Here are two examples:
If you are logged in as the person who created the package, you can see it here and take any of the actions upon it (Edit, Publish, Deploy, Delete).
If you are not logged in as the person who created the package BUT the package creator assigned View and Deploy and/or Modify and Delete privileges to your user group, you can see the package. You can take only the actions assigned to your user group.
Note: If no user groups were added to a package privilege, only the user who created the package and the Platform administrator will have that privilege for that package.
From this page, you can filter the list of packages shown; create a package, edit a package, publish a package, deploy a package, delete a package, and view package contents and the assets to which that package was deployed.
Click the title of a procedure to display it; click the title again to hide the procedure:
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tools to view different pages and information in the table. Use (Refresh link)
beside the table navigation tools to refresh the page with the latest
Platform results. (Do NOT use your browser's Refresh tools.)