Dependencies for packages

Dependencies are optional. Two types of dependencies exist, pre-process and in-process. The pre-process dependencies are evaluated before the package is sent or executed. For example, the Package dependency is evaluated by the Axeda Platform before package deployment to verify that it should be sent to the assets of the specified models. The Package dependency is evaluated only by the Axeda Platform, so you can use it for any supported agent. The other pre-process dependencies are evaluated by the agents (if supported) once the package is deployed.

After an agent starts executing a package, it may have in-process dependencies to evaluate before it continues. Only the Axeda Gateway and Axeda Connector Agents can evaluate in-process dependencies.  For complete information about the features of packages supported by all agents, refer to Package Features Supported by Axeda Agents.

The pre-process dependencies are

The in-process dependencies are

The Axeda Gateway and Connector Agents evaluate the in-process dependencies during processing to determine when to execute the next set of package instructions. The data item and custom dependencies have an implicit AND between dependencies. That is, all in-process dependencies must be met before processing can continue.