Deployment wizard - Select Package

Use the Deployment wizard to create a package deployment. The wizard information for a deployment is presented as follows:

1.       Select a Package - select the package to deploy.

2.       Select Deployment Type - select Manual or Automatic deployment. With Manual, you can select which assets you want to deploy the package to; with Automatic, the Platform selects the assets automatically and you specify the priority for the deployment.

Note: If the model you selected for the package is running an AWP agent, this step is skipped. You can only deploy packages manually to assets running AWP agents. For complete information about the features of packages supported by agents, refer to Package Features Supported by Axeda Agents.

3.       Deployment Routing Criteria - create and add the Defined Configuration routing criteria for this deployment. These requirements must be met before the deployment can be deployed to an asset.

4.       Select Assets - only if you selected Manual Deployment or if the model selected for the package is running an AWP agent, you next select the assets to which you want to deploy the package.

5.       Schedule - for either type of deployment, you need to specify when you want the package to be deployed, immediately or at a later time. If a later time, then you specify the date and time. For automatic deployments, the actual deployment date and time will depend on the availability of the bandwidth for the automatic deployment.

Note: The AWP agent does NOT support deferred deployments. A package is deployed immediately.

6.       Notification - select the users that you want to notify of the status of the deployment.

7.       User Groups for Managing Deployment - specify the user groups for the users who can view this deployment and perform actions on the deployment, such as canceling or resuming it. If no user groups are selected, only you (the user who deployed the package) and the Platform administrator will be able to view and manage the deployment.

8.       Confirmation - for the configuration properties specified for this deployment, save the deployment to the database; otherwise, change the properties before saving or cancel the deployment configuration altogether.

Warning! When moving backward and forward through the wizard, use the wizard's Back and Next buttons. Do NOT use your browser's back and forward tools.

Select a Package

This page presents a list of packages based on the Model of asset you select.

  1. Select a model by which to filter the list of packages.

  2. Select a package to deploy. You can select one package only.

  3. Click Next to select the assets to which you want this package deployed.