Model wizard - Model Properties step

In the Model Properties page, you can add new properties for this model, modify properties, or remove properties from this model.

If there are properties configured for a model, then you can set the values of those properties for the model’ s assets. You configure values for asset properties as part of configuring the asset. The values for the properties can also be changed from the Asset dashboard for the selected asset (Axeda® Service application).


In general, if you do not create any properties for a model, you cannot set property values for the model's assets. More specifically, if you are creating dynamic groups, you must add the properties that will create the hierarchy of asset groups to the model here before you can create dynamic groups or assign values to the assets of this model. For "contactable" assets (assets that do not poll but that can respond to Shoulder Tap messages), you need to create a property that stores the Contact String for the assets of the model. For example, you might call the property, "deviceAddress." For each asset of this model, you then need to provide the address where the Axeda Codec Server can contact the asset when it has messages to forward from the Axeda Platform.

To be able to use Shoulder Tap for wireless assets that are running an AWP agent (created using the C-based AWP toolkit), you need to create a property called "Email" and then, for each asset, assign the value of the E-mail Id for the asset as the value of this property. For complete instructions on enabling Shoulder Tap for wireless assets, refer to the topic, Enabling Shoulder Tap Messaging for AWP Assets

If you imported assets running Axeda IDM Agents, the "properties" are converted to "data Items" for each model and asset. Extended properties are converted to Model properties and would be visible in this page. For more information about importing assets running IDM Agents, refer to Import IDM Models and Assets.

In addition, if your IDM Agents are running in Occasionally Connected mode, you can use a Groovy script as a custom object of type IDM WS Extension to create a property called Communication Mode and set its value to Occasionally Connected. Add that property here in this step for the model.

Click the title of a procedure to display it; click the title again to hide the procedure:

To add new model properties

To modify model properties

To remove model properties


After configuring or viewing the properties, click Next. If this is an Axeda® Gateway-managed model, the Model Parameters wizard step appears; otherwise, the Missing Assets wizard step appears.

If you are all done configuring or viewing this model, click Finish and the Model Confirmation wizard step appears. If you click Cancel and continue canceling, all information configured in this wizard is removed and a list of models appears.