Enabling Shoulder Tap Messaging for AWP Assets

When planning an application for an AWP (Axeda Wireless Protocol) agent, you need to know how often you need to contact the asset. You also need to know if you need to know when an asset that polls the Axeda Platform has missed a specified number of polls and is "missing".  In the Axeda Platform, "missing" simply means that the asset cannot be contacted. For wireless assets you can choose whether to have the asset poll the Platform on a regular basis, or, to minimize costs, you can set up the asset so that it does not poll (or polls very infrequently),  but responds to Shoulder Tap messages from the Platform.

To take advantage of shoulder tap messaging for AWP  assets,  the following tasks must be completed:

o        A developer needs to create the AWP application. For the Java-based AWP Toolkit, no special programming tasks are required. For the C-based AWP Toolkit, to important steps are required:

§         When configuring the device using M2M_Context_setDevice, the developer needs to set the poll rate for the device to NULL.

§         The developer needs to use the M2M_Context_setPollMode method to set the alwaysPoll flag to 0 (do NOT poll). Use the M2M_Context_forcePoll method to force a polling message from the asset to the Axeda Platform as appropriate.

o        Using the Axeda Web Services and API, a developer needs to create the model profile for the assets and in the profile, configure the model to use the “shoulder tap” delivery method. The developer needs to make sure that the model profile is associated with the appropriate model. For information on creating model profiles and associating them with models using the Axeda API classes (ModelProfile, ModelProfileSearchCriteria, and DeliveryMethodDescriptor) and the Axeda Web Services (ModelProfileService), refer to the Axeda® Platform API Developer’s Reference and the Axeda® Platform Web Services Developer’s Reference. Appendix A of the Web Services reference provides instructions for configuring model profiles.

If your assets cannot handle the Email Transport for Shoulder Tap messaging, you can write a Groovy script that functions as the Transport for the Shoulder Tap delivery method. You must configure the Groovy script as a custom object of Type "Shoulder Tap" using the Axeda Configuration application. Appendix A of the Axeda® Platform Web Services Developer’s Reference explains how to set up this CustomObjectTransport in the Model Profile. For an example of this type of custom object, refer to Custom Object Example: A Transport for the Shoulder Tap Delivery Method.

o        A new property needs to be created for the model, either programmatically by a developer using the Axeda Platform SDK or manually by a Platform administrator (or a nonadministrative user who is authorized to view and update models) in the Axeda Configuration application. The property must be called “Email” and the value must be set for each asset of the model to the be the Email id of the asset. See also Model Wizard - Model Properties step.

o        An Axeda Platform administrator needs to set the maximum number of rows in the Shoulder Tap messaging table that the ShoulderTapRetry task should retrieve at a time when retrying  shoulder tap messages. The Shoulder Tap table contains one row per shoulder-tap-able asset and keeps track of the number of outgoing messages (for example, setDataItem)  waiting for each asset as well as the number of times the Platform has attempted to deliver a shoulder tap message to the asset. The ShoulderTapRetry task retries a shoulder tap  message if the retry count is less than the maximum retry count configured in the Model Profile.

o        The Axeda Platform administrator also needs to set the interval for the ShoulderTapRetry scheduled task.


Notes: If an AWP asset is enabled for Shoulder Tap messaging and is also configured NOT to poll the Axeda Platform (poll rate set to NULL), then the Ping Rate for the asset is shown as "0" in the Asset dashboard.

A ping rate of 0 typically means that the asset can never be "Missing." However, for shoulder-tap assets, the task that checks for missing assets checks the table of shoulder tap messages to determine if an asset is Missing. If the number of retries for a shoulder tap message for an asset has been exhausted and the asset has not responded to the shoulder tap, the task sets the status of the asset to Missing.  If you never want these assets to show a status of Missing, go to the Missing Assets page of the Model wizard and select the option, "Don't consider assets of this model as missing."  See also Missing Assets.