Asset condition definition

Asset conditions provide a way to determine quickly the health and status of assets that are running Axeda® Gateway, Axeda® Connector, Axeda® Agent Embedded, or Axeda® IDM Agents. For assets associated with wireless tracking devices, these conditions can show the status of the asset, based on information received from the associated tracking device. An asset condition is a user-defined entity that is comprised of a name, a severity, an image, and, optionally, a trigger. Severity levels range from 1 (the lowest) to 10 (the highest); you can assign only one condition to a severity level. The image is a colored ball icon that is displayed in the Status field for an asset when the condition is set. A trigger can be one or more events (Asset Missing events), alarms, and data expressions. When any of these triggers is true, the condition is set; when all triggers associated with a condition are false, the condition is unset.

The Platform provides one default condition, called "Good," with a severity of 1 (the lowest), and the green ball image. This condition has no associated trigger. If the Platform unsets a triggered condition and no other condition is currently set, then the Platform sets the current condition of the asset to "Good." You cannot edit this condition.

The Platform also provides two other default conditions, with NO triggers. They are Warning and Error. You can change the severity and images for these two conditions and assign them triggers. However, if you want to create Rules and Actions for setting and unsetting these conditions, then do NOT assign them triggers. That said, Axeda strongly recommends that you assign these conditions triggers instead of using rules and actions.

The condition with the highest severity always appears in the Status field on the Asset dashboard and in the Status column of other pages that list assets and their Status. You can search for asset by a specific condition (for example, you can find all assets in an "Error" condition); the Search Criteria tool in the Search for Assets module on the home page of Axeda® Service provides this capability.

In addition to viewing current conditions, you can view historical information for conditions. Historical information allows you to track the status of an asset over time. You can view the current and historic conditions for assets in the Assets by Status module on the home page of the Axeda® Service application.


Need more information?

To add or modify conditions in the Platform, use the Axeda® Configuration application, New Asset Condition wizard. For complete details, see also the following topics:

"Set" and "Unset" Asset Conditions

Configuring Asset Conditions

Mixing Rules and Actions with Triggered Asset Conditions

For information about security for Asset Conditions, refer to Security for Objects in Axeda® Connected Product Management Applications and for information about security for these objects when Delegated Administration is enabled, refer to Security for Objects in Delegated Administration Units.

In a Platform with Delegated Administration enabled, the names of asset conditions may have prefixes; for details, refer to Names of Objects in DA Units.