Asset conditions are "set" and "unset," based on information arriving from Axeda® Connector, Axeda® Gateway, or Axeda® IDM Agents or from wireless tracking devices. In its simplest definition, "setting a condition" means that the condition is saved in the Platform with the rest of the asset information. Conversely, "unsetting a condition" means that the condition is removed from the Platform. Setting and unsetting conditions can also - but does not necessarily - change what you see in the Status field on the Asset dashboard and in the Status column of other application pages where assets are listed.
When you associate alarms, data expressions, and Asset Missing events with a condition, the Platform monitors and controls the setting and unsetting of asset conditions. For example, you could configure a condition called Missing, with a severity level of 8, and associate the event, "Asset missing from Enterprise Server," with the condition. When it detects that the asset is missing, the Axeda® Platform sets this condition in the Platform. Before displaying this condition, however, the Platform looks at the severity of the current condition. Two results are possible in this example:
If the current condition has a severity of 9 or 10 (that is, the severity of Missing is lower than that of the current condition), the Platform does NOT change the current condition that is displayed. Once the triggers that caused the Platform to set (and display) the higher severity condition become false, then, if it is still set, the condition, Missing (8), is displayed.
If the severity of the current condition is less than 8, the Platform changes the currently displayed condition to Missing.
After the Axeda Agent or tracking device contacts the Platform again, the Missing condition is unset, meaning that it is removed from the Platform and from display. Then, if no other condition is set, the current condition is set to Good.
Note: You can see conditions with a lower severity than the one currently set in the Asset dashboard. Position the cursor over the Status field and hover until a popup displays the conditions. If no other conditions are set, the popup is empty.