Axeda Transport - Export

After you select the Export check box for an asset in the Transport - Browse for Assets page, and click image\icon_transport_export.gif, the Export dialog box appears. It may take a moment because after you click Export, the server must assemble the archive (tar.gz file). First, it gathers all queued Platform commands and information (eMessages) for the selected asset and saves them in a single *.xdrm file. The server then checks if there are any pending actions for the selected asset. If so, it will set the status of those actions to "Exported" and then export the entire action to the export file root directory (as defined by your Platform administrator) in a *.xdrm file. If there are any packages with download instructions for the assets, the server collects the associated package archive file as well.

After collecting all the files for the asset, the Platform creates a single tar.gz for export to the selected asset (by means of the laptop that is accessing the Transport page). The name of the file includes the username of the person performing the export, the timestamp, and "ServiceLinkExport." For example:

ServiceTech 2007-05-09-13-48-16-230.ServiceLinkExport.tar.gz

The file is made secure with AES level data encryption. The name of this archive appears in the Export popup window, along with the name of the asset(s) that should receive the contents of the file. The name of the file is a link you can click to either open the archive and view its content or save the archive to your laptop.

Notes: Axeda® Transport requires that the source and destination assets be running an Axeda® Agent. It does not work with tracking assets that monitor mobile assets (for example, an Edge device).

Axeda Transport does NOT support large file uploads. You can transfer files up to 2 GB in size using Axeda Transport. For larger files, use Axeda Software Management packages or the Download File from Enterprise action.

To export the file to the laptop used to access the Transport page:

1.       In the Export dialog box, click Save or the name of the file. To exit the Export dialog box without exporting the file, click Cancel.

2.       When the File Download dialog box appears, choose whether to open or save the file:

To save the file to your machine, click Save. When prompted, navigate to the location where you want to store the archive and click Save. For example, navigate to the root directory of the Axeda Agent that will extract and process the archive and store the file there. After you click Save, the archive file is saved to the laptop for transport to the asset. The agent will unpack this tar.gz file and process the eMessages as applicable.

If you want to see the content of the file, click Open. Then, when asked if you want to extract or decompress the archive, click Yes. After viewing the content of the archive, close it and return to the Export dialog box and save the file.