The Browse for assets search tools enable you to find assets in the Axeda® Connected Product Management Applications using various properties of those assets. There are simple and advanced filters. Simple filters appear above the column labels of the table; they enable you to filter assets by asset Name, Organization, Location, and Status of the transport package (Available or Exported). When you select Advanced, these basic filters are still available, and the additional filters include Model, Region, Package, Asset Group, System, (Software) Package, and the Version number of the package.
By default, all Filter tools are shown for use. You can close the Filter tools if you are content with the assets available in the currently displayed table.
After you specify the filter properties and click Search, the server locates matching assets (that is, assets that contain the string within the selected asset property, for all asset property values you define) and displays them in the table.
Simple filter values enable you to search for assets using the following asset attributes:
o Name - Type all or part of the asset name.
o Organization - Select the Organization assignment for the asset(s) from the list.
o Location - Type the associated address of the asset(s).
o Status - Select the status of the Transport package, either Available or Exported.
Advanced filter values enable you to search for assets using the basic filters plus these fields; you can use a wildcard character (*) in the text fields:
o Asset - Type all or part of the serial number for the asset. Use the "*" wildcard character (asterisk) to represent any part of the serial number that you do not type.
o Organization - Type all or part of the name of the organization associated with the assets you want to find (rather than selecting from the list).Use the "*" wildcard character (asterisk) to represent any part of the organization name that you do not type.
o Model - Type all or part of the name of the Model associated with the asset(s) you want to find. Use the "*" wildcard character (asterisk) to represent any part of the model name that you do not type.
o Asset Group - Type all or part of the name of the asset group to which the asset(s) that you want to find are assigned. Use the "*" wildcard character (asterisk) to represent any part of the asset group name that you do not type. Asset Group names (fully qualified path names) appear in the second column from the left in the table after you click Search.
o Region - Type all or part of the name of the region associated with the assets you want to find. Use the "*" wildcard character (asterisk) to represent any part of the region name that you do not type.
o System - Type all or part of the name of the system with which the asset(s) are associated. Use the "*" wildcard character (asterisk) to represent any part of the system name that you do not type.
o Package/version - Type all or part of the name of a package associated with the assets you want to find, and then type the version number of the package. Use the "*" wildcard character (asterisk) to represent any part of the package name that you do not type.
o Without package - Select this check box when you want to find assets that do not have packages.
For example, you can use the filters to find:
o all assets with serial numbers containing the string "ACME" and packages "Package1" (specify those search values in Asset and Package fields)
o all assets in System "XYZ"
1. If no filters are shown, click Filters. The basic filters are shown; select Advanced to show the advanced filters.
2. Type or select the values by which you want to search the database for assets. If you leave a field blank, it is not used to filter the search.
3. Click Search.
The table updates with a list of all assets corresponding to the filter values you specified. If the search did not find the assets you were looking for, click Clear to remove all the search criteria and start over.
You can import or export files from the assets, as needed. If desired, you can select the name of an asset to view the Asset dashboard for that asset.