Shows all assets currently configured and managed by this gateway.
From this page, you can add assets (new or existing) for management to the gateway, remove an asset from management by this gateway, and edit the information for a managed asset. When you make changes for the assets in this page, the changes are queued; when the related asset next contacts the Axeda® Platform, the asset receives and applies the changes.
Note: In the period of time between deploying the configuration to the gateway and the asset receiving those configuration changes, the Platform prevents Axeda® Connected Product Management Applications users from making any changes related to the gateway configuration.
IMPORTANT: If the Gateway asset is muted, you will be able to view managed assets but you will not be able to modify managed assets. The related links will be disabled if the Gateway asset is muted. Once that Gateway asset is unmuted, you can modify managed assets, including adding new assets for management and deploying configurations..
The table shows the following information for each asset:
o Model - model number for the asset
o Asset - name of the managed asset
o Configuration - shows the configuration parameters for this asset
o Status - current status of the asset; the possible statuses are as follows: unchanged, Will be added, To be modified, Addition Pending, Removal Pending, Change pending,
You can use this page to edit the information for a gateway-managed
asset; add existing assets to this gateway; add new assets to the server
and to this gateway; remove assets from this gateway.
To determine that the Axeda® Gateway managed assets received the provisioning information and were able to apply any specified parameters correctly, view the Audit log in the Administration application.