Create or Edit User wizard

The Create or Edit User wizard prompts you to create users and set and modify existing user properties for use in Axeda® Connected Product Management Applications Applications. Users and user properties specified in this wizard are saved to the directory service ( if supported), and available for use in the Axeda Applications, as appropriate.

To create or modify any users or user properties, you must be logged in with an Axeda Applications administrator or Delegated Administrator user name and password so that the Axeda® Platform can present administrative credentials to the directory service.

Note: The Axeda® Platform does not provide direct access from the Axeda® Administration application to all supported directory services. For more information, refer to the topic, Support for Directory Service Operations in Axeda® Connected Product Management Applications.

The Create or Edit User wizard information is presented as follows:

1.       View and modify user attributes page - user properties stored in the directory service for this user, and available for use or reference in the Applications.

2.       View and modify user group assignments page - shows user groups to which this user is assigned; contains tools for adding or removing user groups for this user.

3.       Confirm user details page - shows the properties defined for this user; you can submit the changes to the Platform or make changes and then submit them.

Warning! When moving backward and forward through the wizard, use the wizard's Back and Next buttons. Do NOT use your browser's back and forward tools.

View and Modify user attributes step

In this page, you create a user or view and modify properties for an existing user (if selected from the View and remove application users page); these users and user properties are stored in the directory service used for Axeda Applications.

1.       Type the properties for a new user or modify properties, as follows:

§         User Name - name of the user; this value is required and is used as the directory service User ID for this user. This is the name used, with the password, as the Axeda Applications account for this user. The user name can contain the following characters: a - z; A - Z; 0 - 9; period ("."); at sign, as used in e-mail addresses (@); and underscore ("_"). Spaces and any other special characters not listed here are NOT permitted. The user name is limited to 50 characters.

  1. Notes: User names must be unique in the Axeda Applications Platform. If a User Name already exists in the Axeda Platform (primary, Delegated Administration, Partner directory services), you will see an error message.

    You cannot modify the user name of an existing user from Axeda® Administration.

§         Full Name - full name for this user; this value is required. If you provide only one name, that name will be used for both the user's first and last names in the directory service. For example, if "Mary" is the Full Name, then the Platform will define a first name of "Mary" and a last name of "Mary".

§         Password - password for the User Name (above). Password length restrictions are specified in the server configuration (see your Platform's configuration). There are no restrictions on the type of characters supported, so *, &, %, all numbers, all letters, and so forth can be defined in the password. This field is required. You must enter a password that differs from the current one.

  1. Note: Remember that the password will be case-sensitive, so if you type a password of "NewPassWord" you will need to type the same uppercase and lowercase letters each time you use that password.

§         Confirm password - same password for the user name (above). This field is required and must match that entered in the Password box.

§         E-mail Addresses - one or more e-mail addresses for this user; separate multiple addresses with commas and use valid e-mail address syntax (for example, Note that this address does NOT need to match the user name defined for this user.  These e-mail addresses are applied, by default, when creating notifications or e-mails with asset links (from Asset dashboard, Tasks module). This field is not required but, if specified, each e-mail address is limited to fewer than 256 characters.

Note: If the user forgets the login password, reset password instructions will be sent to this address.

§         Phone Number - for the user; this is used in Platform notifications; this field is not required but, if specified, must be less than 256 characters.

§         Fax Number - for the user; this is used in Platform notifications; this field is not required but, if specified, must be less than 256 characters.

2.       If this user is a Platform administrator and should have administrator privileges to the Axeda Applications, select Administrator. By default, this user will have access to all user groups and privileges and to all assets in all asset groups in the Platform.

3.       When you are finished, click Next to configure user group assignments (for non-administrative users). If you selected Administrator, you will not see this page because administrators are assigned to all user groups automatically. For an administrator, click Next to review and save the properties for this user.

Note: Only Administrators can change the Administrator property for users. Non-administrative users cannot edit the properties of Administrative users, nor can they change non-administrative users into Administrative users (assuming they have the View and Edit users privileges for the Administration application). Need more information?


o        Select an option from the Jump To list to view or edit other information for this user. The Jump To options shown depend upon your security access and privileges in the Applications, and directory service support for modifications from the Axeda Applications. Edit options appear only if the Administration application is configured to allow editing of user information.

o        Users will be prompted to change their passwords as required by the Platform. If a password expiration timeframe is not defined for the Axeda Applications, these login passwords will never expire. Also, a warning dialog box may appear a configured number of days prior to the expiration; in this warning dialog box, the user can enter his or her existing password and create one for the Axeda Applications.