From the View and manage asset states page, you can show or hide asset states, or delete them from the Platform. Hidden asset states are hidden temporarily in any related dashboard and excluded temporarily from calculations of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). Deleting asset states removes them from the database and makes them unavailable for asset state groups, KPI calculations, and any related dashboards. If KPIs are already built on the deleted asset states, the KPIs will use old information for the asset states.
Asset states and monitors are created as part of the agent project, using Axeda® Builder. Asset State Monitors in the Configuration application correspond to "Monitors" or "Monitor Items" in the Builder user interface. Asset states created in Builder correspond to the Asset State Objects in the Configuration application. For details about setting up Asset State Monitors and Asset States in Builder, refer to Setting up Asset State Monitoring in the Agent Project. For an explanation of Asset State Objects in the Platform, refer to About Asset State Monitoring.
The table of Asset States displays the following information for each asset state:
o Monitor Names - the monitor(s) to which the asset state is assigned in the agent project.
o Asset State Groups - the name(s) of the asset state group(s) to which the asset state is currently assigned.
o Asset State Names - the name(s) assigned to the asset state in the agent project.
o Show in Report - use to hide or show asset states.
Note: Only the Axeda Connector and Axeda Gateway Agents support Asset State Monitoring in this release. For a description of the Axeda® IDM Agent features supported in this release of the Platform, refer to Axeda IDM Agents.
Procedures from this page
From this page, you can enable, disable, or delete asset states.
Under Show in Report, make sure the check box is selected for each asset state that you want to show in a report or dashboard. The changes are saved automatically. By default, all asset states are enabled.
1. In the rightmost column of the table of Asset States, select the check box for each asset state that you want to delete.
2. Click Delete Asset State.
3. When prompted, confirm that you want to delete the asset state(s) by clicking Yes. Alternatively, click No to keep the asset state(s).
Deleting asset states here does not permanently delete them from the Platform because they are defined and configured in the agent project. Deletion of asset states works in a similar way to deletion of current data items. When asset states are deleted using this page, only the objects are removed, not the associated data. After you delete asset states, the agent can still upload the asset states the next time it registers with the Platform. If the Axeda Agent sends the deleted states again, then the Platform will store information about them again. Old data will be orphaned. To delete asset states permanently, you must change the agent project, using the Axeda Builder application.
o The maximum number of rows supported for returning Platform search results for this type of table is defined in your user preferences, Items Per Page setting (Long table or Short table).
o Use the table navigation tools to view different pages and information in the table.
o Use
link) beside the table navigation tools to refresh the page with the latest
Platform results. (Browser Refresh tools do not update the table.)