The Axeda® Platform can evaluate asset-based alarms or Platform-based alarms for certain conditions. The conditions can be any of the following:
o specific alarm (defined by name)
o any alarm that has an associated severity as defined by an expression
o any alarm that occurs more than a specified number of times within a specified time period
For an overview of the processing of alarms, refer to Lifecycle of an Alarm.
From this page, you create or modify the alarm conditions to create a rule that runs when a specific alarm is generated or when an alarm of a specified severity is generated. Note that you can configure one or more alarm rule settings; all configured settings must be true for the rule to evaluate to true.
When you are finished, click Next to configure the actions for the rule, or click Finish if you are done modifying the rule. If you click Cancel and continue canceling, all information configured in this wizard is removed and a list of rules appears.