Asset dashboard - Properties module

The Properties module displays a list of properties configured for the model and the values selected for this asset. If you have the appropriate privilege, you can change the values for the properties by clicking Edit. These values may have been set through the Axeda Configuration application (Asset wizard) or through a provisioning.xml file uploaded by an Axeda Gateway or Axeda Connector Agent running on the asset. The provisioning.xml file is used to create dynamic groups.

If you are running Axeda IDM Agents in Occasionally Connected mode and have used a custom object to create a Communication Mode property, that property and its value are displayed in this module. Refer to the topic, Custom Object Example: Creating a Communications Mode Property for Axeda IDM Agents for a copy of the script and information about using it.

Important! If your Platform is set up to create hierarchies of Asset Groups through dynamic group definitions, then the values of these properties are likely in use to create the hierarchies and Asset Group assignments. Be careful to make sure that you are not removing an asset from an Asset Group by changing the value of a property. If changing an Asset Group assignment means that the asset no longer belongs to any Asset Group to which users originally given access to the asset have privileges, those users will no longer be able to see the Asset dashboard of the asset.

If Delegated Administration is enabled for the Platform, the Platform administrator can prevent users in Delegated Administration Units (DA Units) from making unexpected changes in Asset Group assignments by changing values for Asset Properties. To do this, Platform administrators need to set up the privileges for the DA Unit and the user groups within that DA Unit such that they do not have the privilege to Modify Asset Property Values in the Axeda® Service application. If user groups in DA Units have any privileges to the Axeda Configuration application, then the Platform administrator also must make sure that they cannot modify assets and models.