View and Manage External Credentials

The View and Manage External Credentials page displays all external credentials located in the Platform that you have privileges to view. You can view and sort credentials, as well as delete credentials, and manage user group associations.

The table shows the following information for each credential:

o        Name -- the unique name of the credential.

o        User Name -- the name of the user for this credential's account..

o        Domain -- the domain that the user name belongs to for this credential..

o        Endpoint -- The URL or hostname applied to this credential.

o        User Group Configuration -- this column includes Edit and View links for viewing and modifying user group associations for a particular credential.

Procedures from this page

From this page, you can choose to filter the list of credentials based on search criteria, view more information for a credential, remove credentials from the Platform, or modify user group configuration.

Filter credentials

Edit the details for an external credential

Modify user group configuration

Delete credentials