The Axeda Software Management application is based on the concept of a package. A package is a set of instructions that you can define using the Software Management application for execution by an Axeda® Agent (wired or wireless). Within a package, you define a set of actions that you want the Agent to perform and the conditions under which to execute those actions. These actions are called instructions; the conditions are called dependencies. Together, instructions and dependencies provide a lot of capability and flexibility to update, maintain, and troubleshoot assets. For information about which features are supported by the different Axeda Agents, refer to Package Features Supported by Axeda Agents.
When you are ready to send a package to assets, you create a Deployment using the Package Deployment wizard of the Software Management application. When creating the Deployment, you can select automatic or manual deployment, schedule when the deployment is to occur, and set up who should receive a notification about the deployment. Scheduling can include a specific date and time and it can also include an interval for repeat deployments. For more details on deployments, click a title below; click the title again to hide the details:
For information about the preparation required for creating a package, refer to Fulfilling Pre-requisites Before Creating a Package.