Selection Criteria wizard - Select Model

The Selection Criteria wizard prompts you for the criteria you need to specify to create a subset of database data that can be exported to a file on disk, as part of Data Export operations.

During a single use of the Selection Criteria wizard, you can create export criteria applicable to assets of a single model only; however you can build your selection criteria from many uses of the Selection Criteria wizard so that, ultimately, when you export the data it contains data from many assets of different models.

The wizard information for the selection criteria is presented as follows:

o        Select Model - model for this criteria selection.

o        Select Assets - assets included in this criteria selection, based on the selected model.

o        Add Selection Criteria - time frames, data items, and conditions (mathematical comparisons) that define which data items to export. You can create multiple selection criteria with multiple passes through the wizard; each one creates a separate row in the table. Each table row is considered separately when evaluating for the data export (that is, the rows are evaluated in an "OR" relationship, not "AND").

Warning! When moving backward and forward through the wizard, use the wizard's Back and Next buttons. Do NOT use your browser's tools back and forward tools.

Select Model wizard step

From the Model box, select the model of the assets for the data items you want to export. Only models to which you have privileges based on your user group settings appear for selection.

When you are finished, click Next to select or view the assets for the selection criteria. If you click Cancel and continue canceling, all information configured in this wizard is removed.


See Also