Shows all the values configured for this script and enables you to publish the script, thereby making it available to other assets and uses. When you save the script, the Platform queues the script to be registered on the asset, when the asset next contacts the Axeda® Platform.
1. If you want to make the script available to other assets of this model and for configuration as a script action to run on an asset (from the Axeda® Configuration application), select Publish Script. If you are creating this script in the Configuration application script manager, it is published automatically.
2. Click Finish to save the script configuration to the server and register the script on the asset.
1. If the script is not correct as shown, click Back and edit the values of the script until correct
2. If you want to make the script available to other assets of this model and for configuration as a script action to run on an asset (from the Configuration application), select Publish Script. If you are creating this script in the Configuration application script manager, it is published automatically.
3. Click
Finish to save the script configuration
to the server and register the script on the asset.
When you save the script, it appears in the Scripts module of the Asset
dashboard and in the Configuration application, Manage
the registrations for the selected script, with a status of "Waiting
to register". When the asset next contacts the Platform, the script
is registered and the status changes to "Ready".
If you decide not to save the script as configured and want to remove it from the Platform, click Cancel.