Package Instructions: Custom Instructions

Available for: Axeda Gateway and Axeda Connector Agents only

Custom instructions appear in the list of instructions only if you have added them as custom components. A link in the text at the top of the Instructions and Rollback Instructions pages (custom components) takes you to the page for adding a custom component. When you select a custom component from the list of instructions, the information stored in the system for the custom component appears in the page, allowing you to confirm that you have selected the correct component.

Note: AWP Agents and Axeda IDM Agents support two types of package instructions: downloading files to the agent and uploading files from the agent. Axeda Agent Embedded supports file uploads and file downloads; they also support the Restart instruction. These Agents ignore any other instructions defined in a package.

That said, if the package is an IDM SoftwareDirector package, then the Execute instruction is required to perform the software update for the IDM Agent. For details about creating an IDM SoftwareDirector package to update the software for your IDM Agents, refer to Guidelines for Creating IDM SoftwareDirector Packages.