The Named Instruction Sets page displays a list of the named instruction sets that have been defined. You can edit or delete the sets from this page.
See also New | Named Instruction Set.
From this page, you can filter the list of named instruction sets; view the contents of a set; modify a set; and delete a set.
1. Click Filters to show the filter boxes, if not shown.
2. To view all named instruction sets, click Filter without typing any search values.
3. To perform a search of the server, do one or more of the following and then click Filter:
§ In the box above the Name column, type all or part of the name of the set(s) you want to find.
§ In the box above the Model column, select a model to include in the search.
§ In the box above the Description column, type all or part of the description of the set(s) you want to find.
The Axeda® Platform finds all named instruction sets defined in the Platform that contain the search value(s) defined and shows only those sets in this table.
Click the instruction set's name in the Name column. The Named Instruction tab appears in the lower half of this page.
In the Actions column for the set you want to change, click Edit. The application invokes the Named Instruction Set wizard, using the information defined for the set. Within the wizard, use the Next and Back buttons to navigate the steps and change the content of the set as needed. For details on using the wizard, see New | Named Instruction Set.
In the Actions column for the set you want to remove, click Delete. The application requests you to confirm the deletion and after you confirm it, removes the set from the list.
Use the table navigation
tools to view different pages and information in the table. Use (Refresh link)
beside the table navigation tools to refresh the page with the latest
Platform results. (Do NOT use your browser's Refresh