As long as you have the appropriate privileges, you can display and edit the states and their descriptions for a state machine from within the View and manage state machines page. From this details view, you can add new states, delete existing states, and edit the description of existing states.
To display the details, click the ()
icon next to the name of the state machine. The details include the following
o State -- a list of the states configured for the selected state machine.
o Description -- text concerning the meaning of the state.
o -- the selection column contains
a check box for each state, which allows you to select one or more states.
o Created By and Creation Time -- the Axeda® Connected Product Management Applications login name of the person who created the rule and the date and time that the rule was initially saved.
o Modified By and Modified Time -- the Axeda Applications login name of the person who last edited the rule and the date and time that the changes were last saved.
1. Select the state name or description by clicking it once.
2. Type your changes. For a State name, you can use up to 50 alphanumeric and special characters. For the Description you can use up to 2000 characters (no limits on types of characters.)
3. To continue editing without using your mouse to select another entry, you can
§ Press ENTER to move down to the next row in the same column.
§ Press TAB to move to the next column to the right (from State to Description or Description to the Selection column).
4. To save your changes, click Save.
5. To
hide the details for a state machine, click the
1. Below the inline table, click Add. The words "EDIT_ME" appear in the State column.
2. Select these words and type a name for the new state. You can use up to 50 alphanumeric and special characters for a state name.
3. Press TAB or click in the Description column to add information about the new state. You can use up to 2000 characters (no limits on types of characters).
4. When ready, click Save to save your changes.
5. To
hide the details for a state machine, click the
1. In the Selection column, select the check box for the state you want to remove.
2. Click Delete.
3. When prompted, confirm that you want to remove the state by clicking OK.
Note: To add one or more expression rules to a state you created here, you need to click the name of the state machine in the View and manage state machines page, which displays the Configure the state machine page.