Special characters

Some fields in the Axeda® Connected Product Management Applications allow certain special characters while restricting the use of other special characters. Special characters include any character on your keyboard that is not a letter (a to z or A to Z) or a number (0 to 9), which means that spaces, punctuation marks, monetary symbols, mathematical operators, Greek letters, and other symbols are special characters.

Special characters typically include: spaces, commas (,), periods or "dots" (.), semicolons (;), colons (:), hyphens (-), underscores (_), double quotation marks ("), exclamation points (!), "at" signs (@), pound signs (#), dollar ($) or euro (€) signs, percent signs (%), ampersands (&), carats (^), asterisks or stars (*), opening and closing parentheses ("(" or ")"), apostrophes ('), angle brackets (< or >), curly braces ({ or }), square brackets ([ or ]), plus signs (+), equals signs (=), question marks (?), slashes (\ or /), tildes (~), Greek letters, and other mathematical operations symbols.