Create User Group

Note: Access to this page is limited to Administrators, Delegated Administrators, and to non-Admin users who have the appropriate privileges. In addition, the directory service used by Axeda® Connected Product Management Applications must accept authentication and changes from the Axeda® Platform. Refer to Support for Directory Service Operations in Axeda Axeda® Connected Product Management Applications for information about which directory services accept these operations from the Axeda® Administration application.

The User Group wizard enables you to configure the information and asset security for user groups in the Axeda Applications. User group settings specified in the wizard are saved to the directory service, if supported.

Before using the wizard, make sure that you have planned out your user groups such that you have user groups for privileges to the Applications and user groups for access to assets. Although you can combine applications privileges and asset group security in the same user group, Axeda strongly recommends that you keep them separate. This separation allows for easy maintenance as your user population and the assets you manage with Axeda Platform change. Refer to the Tips section below for more information.

The wizard pages for creating a user group follow:

o        Create User Group - Enter a name for the user group, a description, and any applicable notes. In general names can be up to 256 characters in the Platform; however, display fields are typically limited to 50 characters, so choose names carefully. Descriptions and notes can contain up to 2000 characters in the Platform.

o        User Group Asset Security - select how the Platform will select and control the assets that are available to users of this user group.

o        Store User group Information - shows the properties defined for this user group. From this page, you can commit the information for the user group to the Platform.

The users who are members of the various user groups will only be able to access those application features or pages to which their user groups have privileges. User group settings provide another level of (implicit) security within the Axeda Applications.

Procedure from this page

From this page, you can create a user group in the Platform .

1.       Type the name for the new user group. This name is required to create the user group. The user group name can contain the following characters: a - z; A - Z; 0 - 9; spaces; and the following special characters:

} ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & _ - = | ] { [ : ? > . <.

Parentheses and any other special characters not listed here are NOT permitted in the user group name. The user group name is limited to 256 characters.

Note: User group names must be unique in the Platform. If a User Group Name already exists in the Platform (primary, Delegated Administration, Partner directory services), you will see an error message.

2.       Type any description for this user group (optional).

3.       Type any new notes to apply to this user group (optional).

4.       Click Submit. The Asset Security for User Groups page appears.


o        You can create different user groups to handle the various runtime requirements of your users and Axeda Applications operations. A single user can be a member of one or more user groups. Axeda strongly recommends creating user groups according to two distinct requirements:

Privilege-based user groups - Create user groups based on privileges; who are the users and which privileges do they need to do their jobs?

Asset security-based user groups - Create user groups based on asset security; who are the users and to which assets do they need access to do their jobs?

(It is best to divide privilege assignments and asset security assignments between different user groups, rather than try to capture all privileges and asset security assignments within a single user group.)

Then, assign each user to one privilege-based user group and one asset security-based user group, according to their jobs.

o        Although the system allows it, do NOT nest user groups. If you want to do this, please contact Axeda Technical Support before you try it.

o        Also, when creating asset security-based user groups, consider that you can enable and disable different object modules for different user groups. In this way, you can ensure that a user who is a member of several asset security-based user groups will have access to all assets of all assigned user group objects, rather than only to the "common set of assets" found for the assigned objects in a single user group.

o        To run Axeda® Site Preparation Utility, a user needs login privileges to the Axeda Applications. In addition to the standard user groups you may create for applications users, you should create another user group for those individuals who need to log in to the Axeda Applications only for running the Axeda Site Preparation Utility. This user group should have a very limited number of privileges, and all individuals who need to run the Site Preparation Utility should be defined in this user group.

See Also