Shows the data item(s) mapped to the related usage item. Usage items are comprised of model and data item, along with the "use" of that data item for the usage item. This use, or type, identifies the data item as an incremental, cumulative, replenishable, recoverable, or counter value within the scope of the usage item.
For example, you can create two usage items: one that maps to the incremental (delta) value of data item ABC and one that maps to the cumulative (actual total) value of data item ABC. Then, throughout the Usage application, you can use the different values for data item ABC. For example, you can perform comparisons of between the two usage values and run actions based on the outcome; and you can search the database for all incremental values of that usage item for a specific period of time: this will show if the value was consistent and therefore the use of that data item was consistent for that period of time.
From this page, you can select the properties for a new data component or edit the values for an existing data component.
1. From the Model list, select the model for this data component.
2. All models to which you have privileges appear in this list.
3. From the Data Item list, select the data item for this data component.
4. This list shows data items available for the selected model and to which you have privileges, based on data item group configuration.
5. From the Type list, select the type for this data component, as follows:
§ Incremental - (Delta value) contains the difference
in the value received from the last value received for the related data
item. For example, if the first value received is 1, and the second value
is 5, an Incremental usage item contains the value 4.
If this type of usage item is associated with a counter, a reset of the
counter to zero causes the value of the item to be set to zero. For example,
suppose a counter represents the number of machine cycles and is reset
to zero when the machine is powered off. The counter returns the values
1, 2, 3, 4, off (reset to 0), 1, 2, 3, off, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. The value of
an incremental usage item associated with this counter is 4 - 4(the reset
to zero) + 3 - 3 + 5, for a total of 5. If you want to know the total
number of machine cycles, use the Counter type instead.
§ Cumulative - (Total or actual value) contains the actual, total value received for this data item. This value rises as new positive values are received and falls as new negative values are received. For example, if the first value received is 1, the second 2, the third 3, and the fourth -2, the cumulative usage item has a value of 4 after receiving the fourth value.
§ Recoverable - contains the actual value of the data item, which may rise or fall. For example, if this value tracks disk space, if the disk is almost full, the value is high; if the disk is cleaned and files are removed, the value falls.
§ Replenishable - contains the actual value of the data item; this value is expected to fall over time. For example, if this value tracks the fuel in a tank, at first the tank is full and the related value high; over time, as the fuel is used, the related value falls in kind. The importance of this usage item type is in its ability to track falling values.
§ Counter - contains a cumulative counter value, without subtracting all values when the counter is reset to 0. For example, suppose a counter represents the number of machine cycles and can be reset to zero when the machine is powered off. The counter returns the values 1, 2, 3, 4, off (reset to 0), 1, 2, 3, off, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. The value of the usage item is 4 + 0 + 3 + 0 + 5 = 12.
6. Click
Add. The data component is saved
to the usage item, as shown in the displayed usage
item creation or modification page.
If you do not want to save the changes, click Cancel;
all information selected for this data component is ignored and the usage item creation or
modification page appears.
1. For the displayed data component, select a different model, data item, or type.
2. Click Update. The usage item creation or modification page appears with the modified data component.