Create or Edit Asset State Group

In the Asset State Group wizard, you can add or edit an asset state group.

Warning! When moving backward and forward through the wizard, use the wizard's Back and Next buttons. Do NOT use your browser's back and forward tools.

In this page of the wizard, specify the following information for the asset state group:

o        Name - Type a unique alphanumeric identifier for the Asset State Group, using up to 50 characters. This field is required. Note that you can change the name of the group as needed.

o        Description -- Type a brief explanation of the group. For example, you might enter the names of the asset states it includes. Use up to 256 alphanumeric characters. This field is optional.

o        Monitor -- From the list, select the monitor for this Asset State Group. An asset state group can apply to only one monitor. This field is required. The list of asset states in the next page of this wizard depends on the monitor selected here.

Note: The monitors are configured in the agent project, using Axeda® Builder. When the assets register with the Axeda® Platform, part of the information they send includes the Asset State Monitors and their associated Asset States, as defined in the agent project. For more information, refer to Setting up Asset State Monitoring in the Agent Project.

After entering the required information, click Next to display the Select Asset State for Asset State Group page. The Platform validates your information against existing asset state groups in the Platform. If the Name field is empty or if the Name already exists for an asset state group in the Platform, the Platform presents an appropriate error message. To continue, you must type a name that does not already exist.

To exit the wizard without saving any information, click Cancel.