IMPORTANT! If the asset is muted, you will be able to view the files but you will not be able to select the View All link to view all uploaded and uploading files or perform actions on the file uploads. Once an asset is unmuted, all file upload functionality is restored. Note that if the asset is managed by a redundant gateway, you may be able to perform file upload operations as long as at least one of the redundant gateways is online. See redundant gateway operations for complete information.
The Uploaded Files module displays a list of the files that have recently been uploaded from the asset or from an asset that is associated with this asset (refer to Associating assets with one another).
Files can be uploaded in multiple ways:
a Software Management upload request,
File Upload action, a package instruction,
associated alarm, or a script (a
snapshot). If a file was uploaded because of an alarm,
the alarm icon appears next to the file
For assets running an Axeda® Wireless Protocol (AWP) agent or an Axeda® IDM Agent, this module displays two status messages, Waiting to Deliver and Completed. It also shows the date and time that the upload completed. The Axeda IDM Agents support only the Cancel action for file uploads. AWP Agents support the Pause, Resume, and Cancel actions (if the file is not compressed).
For assets running Axeda Gateway and Axeda Connector, this module displays the Waiting to Deliver and Completed statuses of a file upload, but it also displays the progress of an upload. For an upload in progress, this module shows the percentage of the file upload that is complete, the estimated time of arrival (ETA) in minutes, and an action appropriate to the status of the upload. Possible actions you can take on an upload in progress are Pause, Resume, and Cancel; Pause and Resume are available only if the file is not compressed, and the Cancel action is available for Stalled uploads (uploads with a status of "Stalled"). When the upload is complete, the module shows the status as "Completed" and also shows the date and time that the upload was completed.
Note: This module does not show file uploads that were cancelled or that encountered an error; the Uploaded Files page does display these file uploads for assets running Axeda Gateway or Axeda Connector. To see all file uploads for this asset, click View all.
To open a file for viewing from this module and download it to your computer, click the name of the file. When the File Download dialog box appears, click Open to download the file and display its content or Save to copy the file to your hard drive. If uploaded files are snapshots or TXT files, you can click File Comparison to run a comparison of two files. You can also save TXT files as CSV files.